Tag summary
Page generated on 2025-01-19 at 18:19:42 UTC
This section summarises all of the tags currently used throughout the database. The tags are in alphabetical order and each is followed by links to the show numbers where it is used so you can see the context the author used it in. There are currently 6592 unique tags in the system.
Alphabetical index
This is an index to the initial letters of the tags below.
Tags beginning with '#'
Tags beginning with '.'
Tags beginning with '/'
Tags beginning with '1'
- 10 buck review: 659, 779
- 12-tone: 1794
- 15.3: 3867
- 15.4: 3867
- 150-in-1: 1536
- 18650: 3816
- 1983: 1243
- 1988: 3495
Tags beginning with '2'
- 2001: 4500
- 2004: 1352
- 2012: 889, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899
- 2013: 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158
- 2014: 1416, 1417, 1419, 1420, 1431, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1647, 1650
- 2015: 1674, 1675, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681
- 2016: 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
- 2019-20 new year show: 2989, 2993, 2998, 3003, 3008
- 2021: 3529
- 2022: 3597
- 2023: 4007, 4017, 4044
- 2600 magazine: 418, 419
- 2600: 418, 419, 1041, 2600
- 2fa: 2986, 3617, 3626, 3719, 3784
Tags beginning with '3'
- 3000: 2700
- 32-bit server: 2463
- 32bitos: 3598
- 365: 2534
- 3d model: 3729
- 3d printer: 878, 2017, 2581
- 3d printers: 3215
- 3d printing: 1686, 1858, 1867, 2148, 2724, 3201, 3204, 3385, 3749
- 3d: 785
- 3ds: 3652
- 3g: 1263
- 3phase: 3497
Tags beginning with '4'
Tags beginning with '5'
- 5 year old: 1753
- 501(c)3: 3679
- 501(c)6: 3679
- 5150 shades of beer: 1627, 1632, 1646, 1684, 1692, 1730
- 555 timer: 1503
- 555: 2645
- 5e: 3206
- 5g: 2812
Tags beginning with '6'
- 6.0.8: 3224
- 64 bit: 3579
- 64-bit: 1590
- 64: 2977, 2982, 2992, 3002, 3193
- 6502 microprocessor: 3182
- 6502: 696
- 6800: 696
Tags beginning with '7'
- 7 days to die: 3831
- 7 days: 4289
- 7 layer model: 427
- 7-layer model: 351, 1216
- 7.5.5: 3224
- 711 numbers: 418
- 711: 418
Tags beginning with '8'
Tags beginning with '9'
Tags beginning with 'a'
- aaron newcomb: 2980
- aaron swartz: 1237
- ab: 1244
- abbreviation: 3753
- abiword: 249, 1418
- about: 4154
- abraham wald: 4228
- abstraction: 2262
- accent: 719
- accents: 1998
- accessibility: 236, 280, 450, 597, 697, 706, 841, 1173, 1284, 1406, 1446, 1538, 1649, 1712, 1750, 1770, 2024, 2039, 2054, 2094, 2309, 3362, 3476, 3783, 4172, 4188, 4274
- accessible computing foundation: 1173, 1184
- accessible: 1561
- accident: 4274
- accounts: 3163
- acer aspire: 1108
- acer: 1853, 3766
- acf: 1173, 1184
- aches: 4056
- acid music: 2079
- acl2: 3789
- acorn: 3701, 4258
- acoustic logger: 2170
- acoustic research: 850
- action camera: 3105, 3114
- action: 1501, 2563
- activism: 1386, 4166, 4186, 4205
- activitypub: 2970, 2995, 3005, 3015, 3025, 3035, 3045, 3055, 3065, 3075, 3085, 3200, 3220, 3280, 3380, 3760, 3780
- actix: 3369
- actors: 2623
- actual play: 2424, 2429
- ad blocking: 91, 3979
- adafruit: 867
- adaptec: 3584
- adapters: 38
- adb: 3515
- adblock edge: 1728
- adblocker: 2243
- add-on: 2559
- add-ons: 3103
- add1sun: 1408
- add: 2061
- addiction: 2426
- addon: 417
- addressing: 414
- adhd: 2061, 4152
- adjectives: 186, 197
- admin admin podcast: 2658
- admin: 1932, 2427, 2435, 2441, 2461, 3297, 3873
- adminadmin: 3597, 3603, 3612, 3617
- administration: 977
- ads: 633, 3321
- adult entertainment: 3069
- adult theme: 144
- advanced features: 2852
- advancement: 171
- advent of code: 3744, 3996, 4007, 4017, 4044
- advent of cyber: 3999
- adventure: 2334
- advertising: 214, 4032
- adverts: 4061
- advice: 2179, 2180, 4047
- aerosol: 3445
- afew: 3467
- afib: 2655
- afp: 1121, 1127
- afrikaans: 3912
- afwall+: 2810
- agc: 2865
- aggregator: 25, 485
- agile software: 1215
- aging: 3779
- agora voting: 1701
- agpl: 270
- ai art: 4101
- ai ethics: 4067
- ai text generation: 4101
- ai: 1243, 3446, 3853, 3863, 3941, 3953, 4055, 4067, 4089, 4097, 4101, 4117
- air brushing: 3124
- air powered gun: 536
- air quality: 1579, 3955
- aircraft: 2714
- airgradient: 3955
- airsoft: 104, 2357
- airtime: 845
- aix: 2988
- akademy: 958
- alabama: 4020
- alan pope: 2811
- alarm clock: 176
- alarm clocks: 2924
- alarm: 2028
- alarms: 2924
- album: 3507
- alcohol: 2475, 3251
- ale: 1627
- algae: 2671
- algebraic data types: 3020
- algol 60: 932, 1664, 1811
- algol 68: 932
- algorithm: 2764
- algorithms: 153
- alia shawkat: 3118
- alien brothers: 2454
- aliens: 2485, 3754
- alisa: 190
- alkaline cells: 1398
- alot: 3467
- alpha centauri: 3950, 3970, 3990, 4010, 4030, 4050
- alphabet: 3087
- alphanumeric acronym: 3753
- alpine: 203, 222, 310, 518, 3870
- alsa: 173, 3236, 4185
- alsaloop: 3507
- alsamixer: 1298
- alternative press: 1386
- alternative: 2920, 2930, 2940, 2970, 2995, 3005, 3015, 3025, 3035, 3045, 3055, 3065, 3075, 3085, 3200, 3220, 3280, 3380, 3760, 3780, 4320
- alternatives: 313
- alternator: 3497
- am: 2358
- amahi: 814, 884
- amanda: 30
- amarok: 658, 823
- amateur radio: 911, 1036, 1092, 1701, 1749, 2062, 2071, 2240, 2292, 2296, 2301, 2307, 2311, 2316, 2321, 2328, 2335, 2358, 2383, 2403, 2414, 2418, 2486, 2499, 2668, 2678, 2688, 3195, 3473, 3922
- amateur: 2189, 2216, 2648, 2656, 2867, 4192, 4202, 4212, 4222, 4232
- amazing life hack: 2290
- amazon fire: 835
- amazon marketplace: 821
- amazon s3: 3327
- amazon: 3061
- ambient sound: 1085
- amd: 296, 483, 2122, 4031
- amiga 2000: 870
- amiga: 1881, 2966, 2971, 2977, 3002, 3148, 3701, 4096, 4258
- amplifiers: 2759
- amplitude: 614
- amps: 1717, 4019
- amstrad: 4258
- analogue clock: 1470
- analogue computer: 2166
- anarchism: 3335
- anarchists: 61
- anarcho book club: 3335
- ancestry.co.uk: 1045
- anchor.fm: 2400
- anchor: 2400
- andrea frost: 1792
- andrew tanenbaum: 3419
- android app: 2025, 3992
- android apps: 821, 3724
- android debug bridge: 3515
- android development: 1230
- android go: 3465
- android phone: 3861
- android: 369, 506, 594, 628, 663, 739, 800, 840, 1065, 1100, 1123, 1171, 1230, 1270, 1377, 1401, 1434, 1562, 1617, 1704, 1869, 1872, 1877, 1882, 1975, 2031, 2118, 2167, 2191, 2218, 2244, 2359, 2364, 2405, 2432, 2449, 2450, 2533, 2537, 2567, 2730, 2810, 2834, 2856, 2945, 2946, 3030, 3036, 3043, 3061, 3151, 3246, 3321, 3360, 3389, 3422, 3439, 3638, 3643, 3683, 3685, 3724, 3778, 3862, 3924, 4013, 4085, 4117, 4147, 4239
- angrypixies: 4019
- angularjs: 2102
- anhonesthost.com: 1584
- anime: 144
- anniversary: 1024, 2495, 2503
- annoyances: 243
- anonradio: 3995
- anonymity: 3065
- anonymous: 28, 181, 751
- anosognosia: 1328
- ansible: 1468, 1927, 3080, 3162, 3166, 3173, 3187, 3718, 3799, 4281
- antenna: 136, 952, 1071, 1280, 2022, 2041, 2403
- anthony: 3830, 3850
- anti establishment: 61
- anti-psychotic drugs: 1294
- antiques: 2614
- antivirus: 2465
- antiword: 518
- antix: 391, 3377
- aoc: 3744
- aol: 2097
- aoss: 1427
- apache hadoop: 2370
- apache license: 442
- apache open climate workbench: 1572
- apache software foundation: 2224
- apache: 17, 20, 175, 219, 820, 1206, 1244, 1394, 1496, 1959, 2312, 3289
- aperture: 2513
- api: 1204, 2919, 3472, 4053
- apl: 2968
- aplay: 3507
- apnea: 2655
- apocalypse: 3522, 3524, 3694
- apollo: 2150, 2865
- apostrophe: 2596
- app inventor: 2191
- apparmor: 3299
- appearance: 993
- appimage: 2811
- apple filing protocol: 1127
- apple ii: 700, 3203
- apple iie: 1541
- apple lisa: 870
- apple tree: 238
- apple: 437, 1257, 1923, 3234, 3278, 3374, 4045, 4049, 4173
- appletv: 555
- appliance: 1989
- application architecture: 2863
- application development: 2863
- application: 1562, 3717
- applications software: 110
- applications: 44, 122, 239, 1707, 2772, 2834, 3458, 4095
- applicative: 2778
- apps: 1242, 1704, 1882, 2031, 2118, 2834
- april fools: 1477, 1738
- apt packages: 72, 378
- apt-cache: 3353, 3357
- apt-fast git script: 492
- apt-get: 3353, 3357
- apt-mark: 3357
- apt-pinning: 1429
- apt: 1906
- aptsh: 1113
- aquarium: 3825
- aquariums: 3227
- arch linux: 705, 750, 810, 1331, 1807, 2899, 3058
- arch magazine: 450
- arch user repositories: 1356
- arch: 905, 1191, 1223, 1320, 1356, 1363, 1604, 2052, 2291, 3099, 3286
- archaeology: 2087
- archbang: 1841
- archer72: 3984
- archive: 3947, 4185
- archiving: 160, 4168
- archivist: 4168
- archlinux: 173, 2291
- archos 5 tablet: 450
- ardour: 614, 755, 1003, 1999, 2006, 2098, 3236
- arduide: 838
- arduino 101: 1691
- arduino uno: 1908
- arduino: 248, 838, 867, 1274, 1690, 1691, 1782, 1880, 1908, 2660, 2799, 3077, 3123, 3385, 3403, 3477, 3537, 3807, 3809, 4076
- arduinoisp: 2799
- area: 1497
- arecord: 3507, 3641
- arena: 3733
- arg: 2864
- aria2: 474
- arithmetic expansion: 1951
- arithmetic: 1222, 1292
- arizona: 3730, 3750, 3770, 3790, 3810
- arm cortex-a8: 743
- arm sleeves: 4265
- arm64: 4146
- arm: 1666, 2780
- armbian: 2896
- arp-scan: 3052
- arp: 515, 3052
- arpg: 3987
- array: 2709, 2719, 2729, 2739, 2756
- arrays: 2526, 2610
- arrl: 3661
- art worlds: 556
- art and technology: 89
- art club: 2158
- art collective: 556
- art museum: 2158
- art: 556, 674, 1739, 2158, 2188, 2396, 2862, 4067
- arthur c. clarke: 4460, 4480, 4500, 4520, 4540
- article: 173
- articles: 199
- artificial inelegance: 3853, 3863
- artificial intelligence: 377, 2524, 3238, 3319, 3339, 3793, 3803
- artists: 556
- as400: 2706
- ascii text: 169
- ascii: 1779, 3530
- asciidoc: 2952
- asciidoctor: 2952
- asdf3: 3789
- asf: 1393
- asicminer block erupter cube: 1551
- asimov: 4280, 4300, 4360, 4380, 4400
- asking questions: 2603
- asmr: 3703
- asn: 1654
- asr-33: 1499
- assembler: 900, 2731
- assembling: 1083
- assembly language: 24, 926
- assembly: 3939
- assets: 3729
- assisted human reproduction: 1309
- associative array: 2709, 2719, 2729
- asterisk: 247, 336, 419, 426, 538, 1109
- asterix: 137, 182
- astricon: 1109
- astrology: 1392
- astronomy: 412, 829, 1366, 1392, 1484, 1533, 1587, 1694, 1758, 2397, 2598, 2646, 3243, 3504, 3857, 4057
- asunder: 1703
- asus eeebook x205a: 1991
- asus transformer tf101: 1519
- asus zenbook ux550vd: 3544
- asus: 3383, 3418, 3527
- asymmetric public key cryptography: 1390
- asymmetric: 1640
- asynchronous: 444
- at commands: 264
- at: 122
- atari corporation: 2474
- atari jaguar: 2474, 3732
- atari mega st: 1841
- atari: 1547, 3203, 3732, 4258
- atlassian.com: 635
- atom: 2211, 3082, 3102, 4106
- atomicparsley: 1013
- atrial fibrillation: 2655
- attack: 1265
- attributes: 3610
- atuin: 4142
- auction: 680, 1043
- audacity: 27, 434, 451, 496, 530, 755, 1298, 1384, 1404, 1418, 1634, 1723, 1771, 1796, 2006, 2367, 2640, 2702, 2726, 2786, 2805, 2881, 3004, 3079, 3291, 3538, 3641, 3752, 3876, 3900, 3915, 3927, 3973, 4193
- audio book: 2477
- audio books: 334, 2070, 2264
- audio drama: 334, 677, 721, 762, 869, 1683, 1739, 2527, 3084
- audio editing: 580, 692, 1771, 2309
- audio editor: 1947, 3538
- audio fiction: 2434
- audio gear: 530, 1844
- audio interface: 2915
- audio jack: 2081
- audio mixer: 755
- audio player: 375, 1656
- audio production: 640, 1349, 2082, 2104, 3331, 3345, 3729
- audio quality: 1349, 1890, 3331, 3345
- audio recording: 1347
- audio repair: 3471
- audio setup: 475, 530
- audio streaming: 3902
- audio tape: 2737
- audio wizard: 1141
- audio: 44, 131, 163, 177, 320, 530, 590, 640, 785, 792, 1198, 1298, 1349, 1393, 1404, 1683, 1812, 1877, 1885, 1910, 1980, 1989, 2006, 2082, 2099, 2104, 2125, 2259, 2263, 2303, 2338, 2377, 2450, 2640, 2661, 2702, 2737, 2844, 2874, 2879, 2889, 2901, 2914, 2923, 2963, 3004, 3024, 3044, 3132, 3236, 3446, 3471, 3474, 3478, 3544, 3574, 3641, 3698, 3751, 3752, 3767, 3915, 3995, 4077, 4228, 4249, 4287, 4294
- audiobook club: 3897, 3921
- audiobook: 880, 978, 1224, 1464, 2412, 3149, 3897, 3921
- audiobooks: 450, 475, 490, 2323, 2478, 2509, 3042, 3053, 3084, 3104, 3127
- audiocast: 677, 748, 969, 1094
- audiophile: 805
- audioscrobbler: 1039
- audit: 3877
- auld hardware: 3512, 3528
- auphonic.com: 1890
- auphonic: 4193
- aur: 1356
- austin maestro: 3601
- authentication: 25, 559, 1161
- author: 24
- authors alliance: 1544
- autism: 3904
- auto maintenance: 649, 1994, 2084
- auto range: 1846
- auto repair: 649, 1994, 2084, 2214
- auto-didactic: 3792
- auto-hacking router: 403
- auto: 649, 3006, 3375
- autoconf: 1169
- autofilter: 1635
- autohotkey: 2398, 2837
- autojump: 3836
- autolayout: 1855
- automaintenance: 4224
- automake: 1169
- automatic transmission: 457
- automation: 85, 176, 217, 328, 628, 1023, 1166, 1169, 1568, 1791, 1927, 1996, 2107, 3398, 4239
- automobile breakdown: 77
- automobile repair: 77
- automobile: 1839, 2031
- automobiles: 3542, 3601
- automotive grade linux: 2226
- automotive: 2020, 2031, 2108, 2199, 2214, 2298, 2747, 2773, 3247
- autonessus: 298, 467, 525
- autonomous system number: 1654
- autoshop: 4224
- autotools: 212, 3040, 3041
- aux: 3093
- availability: 559
- avconv: 2489
- avi: 41
- avidemux: 1418
- avr programmer: 2407
- avr: 58
- awesome: 511
- awk language: 2129, 2163, 2238, 2438, 2526, 2610, 2816, 2824
- awk utility: 2129, 2163, 2238, 2438, 2526, 2610, 2816, 2824
- awk: 45, 1343, 1501, 1935, 1952, 2114, 2143, 2184, 2330, 2476, 2554, 2613, 2804, 2864, 3023, 3423
Tags beginning with 'b'
- b+ tree: 1570, 1590
- b-sides: 3238
- b-tree file system: 1610
- b4rn: 980, 1193
- baader-meinhof phenomenon: 3763
- back light: 1828
- back packing: 4175
- back pain: 3593
- back reference: 2679
- back support: 4056
- background image: 865
- background: 2531
- backgrounder: 28
- backgrown: 3913
- backpack contents: 3895
- backpack: 626, 1108, 2026, 2117, 4183, 4219
- backtrack: 8
- backup: 11, 137, 544, 701, 885, 1026, 1724, 1922, 3179, 3205, 3294, 3463
- backups: 30, 346, 2602, 3205, 3237, 3463, 3657
- bacula: 30
- bad movies: 763
- badge of infamy: 688
- badges: 1272
- bag: 1307, 1316, 2026, 2299, 3842, 4049, 4103, 4108, 4245
- baking: 1327, 1827, 2034, 2119
- bakom: 3505
- ballpoint pen: 3063
- balun: 1280
- bamboo pen tablet: 246
- banana pi: 1629
- band-in-a-box: 670
- bandit: 2138
- bandwidth: 3778
- bankid: 2853
- banner: 1371
- banning ideology: 3292
- banning software: 3292
- banshee: 658
- baofeng: 3473
- barcamp blackpool: 813
- barcamp manchester: 2144, 2151, 2157
- barcamp.: 4197
- barcamp: 844
- barcodes: 450
- bare metal programming: 1859
- barefoot running: 464
- barefoot shoes: 464
- bareos: 1957
- bargains: 3969
- barghest: 1959
- barrel: 2273
- barrier: 3531
- bartering: 634
- base stations: 156
- basekamp: 556
- basement: 119
- bash basics: 562, 1987, 1990
- bash commands: 3928, 4018
- bash scripting: 531, 562, 1284, 1568, 2844, 2877, 3423, 3928
- bash shell scripting: 74
- bash tips: 4088
- bash-support: 1091
- bash: 122, 137, 183, 228, 323, 344, 531, 543, 562, 598, 675, 720, 731, 905, 1197, 1204, 1247, 1430, 1648, 1710, 1757, 1791, 1794, 1838, 1843, 1884, 1903, 1935, 1938, 1951, 1968, 2003, 2024, 2045, 2096, 2113, 2114, 2135, 2143, 2145, 2184, 2278, 2293, 2302, 2317, 2322, 2330, 2349, 2448, 2469, 2476, 2483, 2554, 2639, 2649, 2659, 2669, 2679, 2689, 2699, 2709, 2719, 2729, 2736, 2739, 2756, 2793, 2804, 2807, 3013, 3044, 3071, 3090, 3132, 3133, 3142, 3274, 3277, 3305, 3413, 3551, 3691, 3713, 3722, 3882, 3959, 3962, 3985, 4035, 4184
- bash_aliases: 3928, 4018
- bash_rematch: 2679
- bashburn: 1703
- bashpodder: 434, 481, 905, 1366, 1935, 2211
- bashpoddermod: 3748
- basic setup: 1982
- basic: 900, 932, 1499, 1541, 1669, 2961, 3660
- basics: 1900, 2909, 2955
- basketball: 3647
- bastet: 3733
- batch files: 2465, 3700, 3720, 3740
- batch processing: 3291
- batch: 1906
- bath: 3377
- batteries: 159, 3557, 4218
- battery: 685, 1398, 1478, 2773, 3742, 3816, 4140
- battlebots: 3026
- battlestation: 3096
- battletech: 2608
- bazaar: 3479
- bazel: 2223
- bbc micro: 1098, 3182
- bbc open source: 2227
- bbc: 70, 2731
- bbq: 1426
- bbs: 356, 396
- bc: 1202, 1952
- be: 3418
- beagleboard: 743
- beaglebone: 1531
- beam: 3482, 3522, 3524, 3694, 3707
- beamer: 2139
- bearing: 3499
- bebox: 3418
- bedrock linux: 1468
- beeing: 3778
- beer tasting: 2043, 2053, 2058, 2063, 2083
- beer: 125, 142, 319, 1124, 1214, 1627, 1632, 1684, 1692, 1730, 1763, 2532, 3433
- beets: 4115
- beginners: 293, 428, 1967
- behringer microphone: 774
- belated: 2485
- bell labs: 439
- bellingham linux users group: 1214
- bellingham technical college: 1214
- bellingham: 1214
- belts: 1879
- benchmark: 1244
- benetech: 1644
- beos: 3418, 3777
- beowulf cluster: 71, 567
- berkeley software distribution: 3439
- berlin: 865
- better things: 3079
- beyondpod: 1549
- bhyve: 3777
- bicycle maintenance: 2110, 2154, 2979
- bicycle repair: 1804, 2979
- bicycle: 2869, 2875, 2962, 3112, 3178
- bicycles: 612, 1282, 1804, 2110, 2154, 2384, 2979
- bidets: 3047, 3058, 4092
- big data: 2347
- bigbluebutton: 3097, 3518
- bike maintenance: 2110
- bike: 3838
- bikes: 2154
- bilderberg group: 117
- bill gates: 117
- billing: 2020
- biltong: 3912
- binary revolution radio: 1874
- binaural recording: 792
- binaural: 785, 2338, 3488
- binomial theorem: 1189
- binrc: 3671
- binrev: 396, 418, 419, 1319, 1874, 3207, 3239
- bio: 3913
- biography: 3031
- biometrics: 559, 3158
- bios: 1837, 3557
- birdsong: 2442
- birthday shows: 2070
- birthday: 1255, 1547, 1808
- bit depth: 614
- bit rate: 614
- bit-rate: 29
- bitblinder: 391
- bitchute: 3554
- bitcoin mining: 1551
- bitcoin: 769, 788, 1551, 2857, 2866, 3379
- bitcorn: 2857
- bitmap fonts: 107
- bitrate: 108
- bitterfeld: 3288
- bittorrent: 93, 313, 450, 908, 1010
- bitwarden: 3547, 4069
- black and white: 3017
- black friday: 843
- black hat: 420
- blackedge: 2945, 2946
- blackhat: 99
- blackice: 2945, 2946
- blackmail: 4008
- blackpool lug: 863
- blackpool: 844, 2056
- blacks in technology: 1663
- blather: 1301, 1531, 2039, 2217
- bleach: 1573
- blender: 458, 495, 1858, 2682, 2686, 3079, 3729, 4177
- blending modes: 3400, 3420, 3440, 3460, 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540, 3560
- blether: 3575
- blind: 3206, 3574
- blinkstick: 1971, 2089, 2173, 2340, 2344
- blinkt!: 2173
- bloat: 150, 2708, 2767, 2771
- block ads: 3321
- block: 3851
- blockchain: 2691, 2866, 2947, 2949
- blog post: 1255
- blog: 25, 259, 451, 927, 977, 993, 1394, 1667
- blogging: 1370, 1607, 3075
- blogs: 3558
- blowfish: 1471
- blu-ray: 226, 3179, 3294, 3986, 4298
- blue box: 419, 2600
- blue screen: 380
- bluetooth: 86, 637, 2004, 2014, 2031, 2599, 3043, 3135, 3589, 4145
- bms: 3628
- board game: 3062, 3856, 3869
- board games: 3699
- boardgame: 2121, 2127, 2132, 2136, 2146, 2168, 2178
- boat: 2038, 3337
- boating: 2208
- bodhi linux: 1248, 2033
- bodhi: 1841
- body temperature: 3445
- bolo ties: 2964
- bomb fuse: 1348
- boogers: 1513
- book binding: 2103
- book reader: 828
- book review: 18, 621, 692, 2030, 2382, 2506
- book reviews: 2142
- book scanning: 2430
- book: 621, 1942, 2266, 2276, 2770, 3222
- books: 272, 475, 491, 655, 2142, 2952, 3367, 3558, 3658, 4180, 4246, 4268
- bookwyrm: 3760
- boolean expression: 3713
- boot loader: 81, 2660
- boot parameters: 81
- boot process: 50, 81, 94, 3430
- boot: 10, 81
- bootloader: 116, 3110
- bootstrap: 1563
- borderless networking: 528
- borg backup: 2726
- boring: 3774
- bot: 2190
- botnet: 740, 747
- bottle cutting: 2128, 2147
- bottling: 125, 142, 276
- bowline: 2160
- bowtie: 1280
- bowties: 2964
- bppv: 2109
- brace expansion: 1884
- bracknell computer fair: 848
- brad pitt: 3118
- bradley m. kuhn: 273, 342, 3311
- brainduino: 1960
- brakes: 2154
- branch: 2516, 2553, 3307
- branding: 3461
- brave: 3438
- brazil: 342
- breach: 3623, 3626, 3636, 3726
- bread board: 1047
- bread: 1327, 1827, 2034
- break: 2689
- breakfast: 1979
- brewing: 226, 1124, 1763
- bridge interface: 1522
- bridge linux: 1468
- british telecom: 2628
- brltty: 1561
- broadband: 980, 1193
- broadcast domains: 357
- broadcast using this tool: 845
- broadcast: 677
- broadcasting: 603, 1199, 2819
- broadcom bcm2835: 967
- browser extensions: 1728
- browser security: 3906
- browser: 83, 268, 1813, 1847, 2559
- browsers: 3543, 3583
- bruce willis: 3495
- brucon: 454
- brushes: 3190
- brussels: 2624, 4297
- bryan lunduke: 1744
- bsa: 1007
- bsd licence: 1063
- bsd license: 442, 3439
- bsd: 10, 34, 428, 448, 876, 1668, 2839, 2841, 3032, 3168, 3383, 3399, 3643, 3655, 3671, 3734, 3777, 3855, 4036
- bsdgames: 2334
- bt: 2365, 2628
- btrfs utility: 1228
- btrfs: 1228
- budget saving: 1559
- budget: 3685, 3704
- budgie: 3581
- buffer overflow: 367
- buffer: 856, 861
- buffering: 4195
- bug reporting: 92, 526, 943
- bug tracking: 943
- bugs: 92, 3115
- build: 212, 1258, 2743, 3040, 3041, 3096
- building a kernel: 87, 134, 139
- building: 37, 2122
- bullet journal: 2415
- bulleted lists: 3369
- bumble bee: 3923
- burn iso: 3986
- burp suite: 2120, 2533
- bus: 36
- business card: 638
- business: 352, 493
- busybox: 1486
- butt: 845, 1277, 1400
- butterknife: 1960
- buy-in: 395
- buy: 2777
- buzzwords: 633
- byobu: 770, 1968
- bytecode: 321
Tags beginning with 'c'
- c language: 1330
- c#: 3508
- c++: 900, 932, 1079, 1593, 1847, 3174
- c.h.i.p.: 2217
- c: 443, 900, 926, 932, 985, 1079, 1768, 1847, 2052, 2506, 3426, 4042
- cabbage flash: 552
- cable cutting: 1448
- cable tv: 912, 1071, 2219
- cable: 625, 2219
- cables: 363, 2457
- cacert: 1957, 2223
- cache poisoning: 588
- cafe: 641
- cafetiere: 1636, 1857
- cal: 996
- calc: 1475, 1485, 1495, 1505, 1515, 1525, 1535, 1545, 1555, 1565, 1575, 1595, 1605, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1645, 1655, 1665, 1685, 1695, 1705, 1715, 1725
- calculator: 1202
- calendar counting: 1143
- calendar: 1240
- calibre: 739, 1366, 1732, 1789, 3153, 3384, 3618, 3737
- calico labs: 3649
- californication: 3099
- call spoofing: 3664
- call to action: 1509, 2008
- calligra: 958
- camera: 786, 835, 3007, 3105, 3114, 4057
- cameras: 1449, 2513
- campaign finance: 1372
- camping: 666, 2208, 4037, 4187
- canada: 3208
- canadian: 3208
- cancer: 2615
- candy corn: 557
- candyfab: 878
- cangjie: 3302
- canoe: 2919
- canonical: 542, 921, 3429
- canvas: 3125
- capacitor: 772, 2284, 2314
- capitalism: 2445
- cappuccino: 338
- capture card: 568
- capture group: 2679
- capture: 3641
- car audio: 3006
- car maintenance: 2108
- car repair: 2199, 2214
- car sharing: 1830
- car: 196, 1450, 2031, 2377, 2400, 2640, 3375, 3382, 3499, 4274
- carbon by google: 3689
- card game: 3944
- card games: 4187
- card reader: 557
- card: 2121, 2127, 2132, 2136, 2146, 2152, 2168, 2174, 2178, 2282, 3396, 3401, 3406, 3411
- cardboard: 1521
- carddav: 1313
- cardgame: 2873
- career: 3666, 3716, 3758, 4288
- careers: 2886
- cargo pants: 508
- cargo: 3569
- carla: 3236
- carmesine-colored soy milk: 3449
- carolina free pc foundation: 808
- carpal tunnel and ergonomics: 3762
- cars: 101, 457, 1994, 2031, 2084, 2199, 2400, 2744, 3006, 3542, 3601, 3711, 3768
- carseats: 3135
- cartridge: 1941, 2273
- case: 2457, 2649
- cases: 3541
- cash: 2853
- cassette tape: 3794, 3835
- cassette tapes: 2884, 3471
- cassette: 2874
- castellano: 3493
- castopod: 3808
- cat door: 3487
- cat litter: 2243
- cat6: 2406
- cat: 1273, 2074, 3886
- cats: 3385
- caustic soda: 3109
- cb radio: 1092
- cc-by-sa: 3983
- cc: 1051, 3983
- ccc: 2642
- cchits.net: 758, 949
- ccmusic: 1723, 1788, 2036
- cctv: 2517, 2528, 4009
- cd: 3836, 3986
- cdc 7600: 1811
- cdc: 1811
- cdl: 3757, 3978
- cdns: 3658
- celes: 2291
- celestia: 382
- cell phones: 3951
- cell processor: 24
- cell: 3742
- cellphone provider: 202
- cellphone: 143, 997, 3483, 4147
- cellphones: 3778
- cells: 1715, 3816
- celsius: 1443
- celtic languages: 3609
- celts: 3609
- censorship: 2210
- census: 1045
- centerim: 310
- centigrade: 1443
- centos 5: 30
- centos6: 1498
- centos: 608, 1468, 1697, 2222, 2479, 3256
- centralia: 1647
- ceph: 3327, 3417
- ceramic capacitor: 2314
- ceramic: 2213
- certifcates: 541
- certificate-transparency: 4135
- certificates: 1670, 1720, 2095, 2105
- certification: 533, 2742
- certifications: 3688
- cfengine: 279
- chain: 1796
- chainsaws: 3211
- challenge: 2973, 3965, 3996, 3999, 4006, 4007, 4017, 4044
- change directory: 3836
- channel: 2493, 3621
- channels: 2675, 2720, 2745, 2755, 2765, 2775, 2790, 2800
- character arcs: 2670
- character generator: 2373
- character: 2373, 2531, 2732, 2743
- charactermap: 2218
- characters: 2548, 2680, 2687
- charger: 1478, 2773
- charity: 397, 2681
- charleston: 4100, 4120
- chart: 1555, 1565
- charts: 1895, 1905
- chat: 3702, 3988
- chatgpt: 3803, 3853, 3863, 3982, 3983, 4063
- chattr: 1232
- cheap: 4148
- checkpoint: 2313
- chef: 1927
- chemex: 2123
- chemistry: 858
- cherokee webserver: 444
- cherry: 3791
- chess griffin: 376
- chess: 3464
- chia seeds: 464
- chicken: 1892
- chickens: 642
- chicktech: 1614
- child's play charity: 397
- childhood favourite: 2843
- childhood: 3421
- children: 2294
- china: 2194
- chinese: 3302
- chipkit: 1274
- chmod: 992
- chopin: 3198
- choppy audio: 1181
- chords: 1754
- chorustext: 1782
- chow mein: 1946
- christianity: 2408
- christmas lights: 4076
- christmas: 258, 1387, 2186, 3123, 3787, 4278
- chrome book: 3793
- chrome extensions: 2458
- chrome os: 448
- chrome: 110, 178, 2167, 2692, 3103, 3945
- chromebook: 1229, 2125, 2291, 3377
- chromebooks: 2264, 3242, 3265, 3754, 3778
- chromecast: 2167
- chromium: 2040, 3103
- chromiumos: 3242
- chroot: 1331
- chump car world series: 3774
- chunder: 2532
- church of emacs: 3679
- church: 2015
- cia triad: 559
- cia: 1069
- cibersecurity: 3669
- cicd: 3823
- cifs: 1121
- cigars: 2532
- cinnarch: 1220
- cipher: 2764
- circuit board: 2662
- circuit boards: 2964
- circuit python: 4058, 4075
- circuit simulation: 296
- circuits: 163, 214
- ciss: 1480
- cissp: 559
- cities: 4430
- citizen engineer: 157
- citizens: 4430
- citizenship: 2577
- citrix: 836
- city of masks: 2478
- civicrm: 2222
- civil rights: 3578
- civil service: 795
- civilization ii: 3860, 3910, 3930
- civilization iii: 4070, 4090, 4110, 4130, 4150, 4170
- civilization iv: 4190, 4210, 4230, 4250, 4270, 4290, 4310, 4340, 4370, 4390
- civilization v: 4410, 4430, 4450, 4470, 4490, 4510, 4530
- civilization: 3820, 3840
- cjdns: 2774
- clarkson's farm: 3399
- clasoo: 2160
- class a cdl: 3757
- classical music: 1784
- classical: 3169
- claws: 60
- clay: 2213
- cleaning: 2597, 3409
- cli tools: 72, 85
- cli: 222, 598, 731, 1441, 1688, 1911, 2024, 2049, 2073, 2184, 2453, 2505, 2804, 3274, 3431, 3458, 4016, 4041, 4043, 4142, 4155, 4194, 4249, 4287, 4294
- client: 793, 1900, 1920
- clifton: 3810
- clip art: 1845
- clock: 2329
- clocks: 2924, 4048
- clone: 11
- clonezilla: 1228, 3237, 3463
- cloning: 3237, 3463
- cloth camera: 403
- cloud backup: 2996, 3205
- cloud backups: 3205
- cloud computing: 3242
- cloud learning: 4084
- cloud: 2934, 2941, 3205, 3232, 3259, 3434, 3887
- cloud_services: 3754
- cloudera: 1937
- cloudflare: 751
- clouds: 3539
- cluster computing: 71
- cluster: 540, 2347, 3417
- cmake: 3538
- cmaloney: 4134
- cmd: 2783
- cms: 1592, 2319
- cmus: 1861
- cnc: 878
- co-op: 1310, 2411
- co-operative: 2411
- co-processor: 1666
- coala: 1959, 2225
- cobol: 926, 932, 1270
- coco: 3203
- codd: 1569
- code generation: 1083
- code: 477, 3213, 3797
- codec: 26, 29, 41, 53, 594, 614
- coding: 137, 1757, 2096, 2448, 2483, 2973, 3397
- coffee beans: 1537
- coffee gator: 2123
- coffee grinder: 1537
- coffee making: 1887
- coffee mug: 2078
- coffee plunger: 1857
- coffee pots: 1857
- coffee roasting: 3563, 3573
- coffee stain studios: 1428
- coffee: 80, 338, 1537, 1636, 1857, 1887, 2123, 2440, 3279, 3364, 3545, 3563, 3573
- cohost: 114, 152, 162, 187
- colecovision: 552
- collaboration: 1303, 2421
- collapsar: 75
- collectibles: 2857
- collector's network: 419
- collision domains: 357
- colon: 2615
- color problems: 4350
- color: 3170
- colorado: 3975
- colour correction: 2175
- comb binding: 2103
- combat: 4530
- combustion powered: 536
- comdex: 745
- comedic: 678, 686, 693, 2285
- comic book movies: 90
- comic books: 90
- comics: 1628, 2246, 4103
- comm: 3889
- command line heroes: 3668
- command line interface: 1911
- command line networking: 2944
- command line: 108, 129, 375, 518, 598, 608, 616, 623, 720, 731, 996, 1350, 1658, 1750, 1779, 1904, 2049, 2073, 2349, 2379, 2443, 2453, 2476, 2505, 2889, 2901, 2923, 2933, 2951, 2963, 2976, 3986, 4041, 4043, 4104, 4155, 4194
- command substitution: 1903
- command-line: 222, 1799, 2091, 2184, 2547, 2734, 2752, 2804, 2882, 2885, 2909, 3226
- commandline: 4184
- commandlinefu: 364
- commandprompt: 2783
- commands: 3947
- commentary: 1842
- comments: 104, 195
- commerce: 2862
- commodification: 4029
- commodore 128: 870, 3203
- commodore 64: 1841, 2987, 2997, 3203
- commodore pet: 696
- commodore vic-20: 691
- commodore: 900, 2966, 2971, 2977, 2982, 2992, 3002, 3148, 3701, 4096
- common-lisp: 3789
- commons: 2077
- communal software: 3317
- communication protocol: 1146
- communication: 341, 674, 3087, 3457
- communism: 3050, 3069, 3138, 3163, 3229, 3269, 3288, 3388, 3529
- community establishment: 641
- community news: 587, 611, 631, 651, 676, 695, 716, 741, 761, 781, 806, 826, 851, 871, 916, 936, 956, 976, 1001, 1021, 1046, 1066, 1086, 1111, 1131, 1177, 1196, 1217, 1241, 1261, 1287, 1323, 1351, 1360, 1383, 1397, 1456, 1469, 1483, 1507, 1523, 1546, 1566, 1586, 1611, 1631, 1651, 1676, 1696, 1716, 1741, 1761, 1781, 1806, 1826, 1851, 1871, 1891, 1916, 1936, 1956, 1981, 2001, 2021, 2046, 2066, 2086, 2111, 2131, 2156, 2176, 2196, 2221, 2241, 2261, 2281, 2306, 2326, 2351, 2371, 2391, 2416, 2436, 2456, 2481, 2501, 2521, 2546, 2566, 2586, 2611, 2631, 2651, 2676, 2696, 2721, 2741, 2761, 2781, 2806, 2826, 2846, 2871, 2891, 2916, 2936, 2956, 2981, 3001, 3021, 3046, 3066, 3086, 3111, 3131, 3156, 3176, 3196, 3221, 3241, 3261, 3281, 3306, 3326, 3351, 3371, 3391, 3416, 3436, 3456, 3481, 3501, 3526, 3546, 3566, 3586, 3611, 3631, 3651, 3676, 3696, 3721, 3741, 3761, 3786, 3806, 3826, 3846, 3871, 3891, 3916, 3936, 3956, 3981, 4001, 4021, 4046, 4066, 4086, 4111, 4131, 4151, 4176, 4196, 4221, 4241, 4261, 4286, 4306, 4326, 4351, 4371, 4391, 4416, 4436, 4456, 4481, 4501, 4521, 4546
- community organizing: 1386
- community phone project: 822
- community radio: 1652
- community size: 158
- community.: 4169, 4179, 4189, 4199, 4209
- community: 1, 43, 148, 205, 258, 292, 400, 582, 596, 604, 664, 947, 1000, 1024, 1509, 1913, 2008, 2035, 2077, 2255, 2386, 2431, 2472, 2556, 2830, 2835, 2840, 2845, 2849, 2855, 2859, 3116, 3336, 3342, 3346, 3352, 3356, 3361, 3366, 3372, 3402, 3795, 3804, 3814, 3824, 3834, 3844, 3854, 3864, 3874, 3884, 4116, 4139, 4149, 4157, 4159, 4166, 4186, 4205
- community_projects: 3239
- commute: 612, 2400
- compact flash: 289, 752
- compact umbrella: 246
- compare: 3889
- compassion: 2074
- compilation: 200, 1169
- compile: 1688
- compiler: 1083, 1099, 1107, 1128, 1265, 1330, 4296
- compilers: 214
- compiling: 309, 2244
- complexity: 552, 3497
- compose: 3523
- composekey: 3523
- composition: 1303
- compost: 3408
- composting: 3408
- compression: 26, 29, 1349, 2006, 2104, 2133
- compressor: 3973
- computer auction: 2595
- computer cluster: 540
- computer games: 3820, 3840, 3860, 3910, 3930, 3950, 3969, 3970, 3990, 4010, 4030, 4050, 4070, 4090, 4110, 4130, 4150, 4170, 4190, 4210, 4230, 4250, 4270, 4290, 4310, 4340, 4370, 4390, 4410, 4430, 4450, 4470, 4490, 4510, 4530
- computer graphics: 3729
- computer history: 1318, 3815
- computer recycling: 403
- computer science: 35, 349
- computer skills: 1308
- computer-based alarm system: 1914
- computer: 1258, 1664, 1811, 2777, 3628, 4051, 4148
- computers: 82, 88, 303, 351, 354, 672, 722, 1139, 1268, 2092, 2167, 2264, 2467, 2590, 2663, 2786, 2821, 2953, 2986, 2996, 3056, 3090, 3852, 3924, 3994, 4045, 4107, 4276
- computing for blind users: 84
- computing history: 703, 1967
- computing security: 82
- computing: 61, 68, 88, 710, 911, 1376, 2076, 2578, 2616, 2626, 2632, 2641, 2652, 2706, 2987, 2997, 3203, 3224
- comskip: 1013
- con: 2754
- concatenate: 1273
- concr: 917
- concurrency: 668
- condenser microphone: 762
- condensing: 3883
- conditional expression: 2659
- confcon 2009: 418, 419
- confcon: 418, 419
- conference calling: 73
- conference interviews: 1504
- conference: 630, 689, 725, 730, 1921, 1984, 2410, 3010, 3964, 4237
- conferences: 89, 416, 418, 419, 420
- conferencing: 3056
- confidentiality: 559
- config: 86
- configuration: 81, 174, 181, 535, 1734, 1776, 1856, 2348, 2349, 3070
- configure script: 1169
- confluent: 3639
- confusion: 2502
- congratulations: 1000
- conkeror: 1187
- consensus: 3909
- conservation: 3347
- console hacking: 2355
- console: 1649, 1756
- conspiracy: 3715, 3868
- constellation: 1392
- consulting: 563, 1878
- container: 777, 1522, 2934, 2941, 2985
- containers: 41, 3511, 3609, 3887
- content management systems: 3549
- content packaging: 1433
- content: 1073, 1093
- contest: 3506
- continue: 2689
- continuous ink supply system: 1480
- contrast modes: 3500
- contribute: 1509, 2008
- contributing: 604
- contribution: 2255, 3729
- control data corporation: 1811
- convention: 201, 1227, 1752, 2890
- conventions: 2827
- conversation: 1740, 3575, 3594
- conversion: 968, 1502
- converter: 2273
- convolutions: 3319
- cookery: 2735
- cookies: 126, 2119, 3982
- cooking: 1591, 1647, 1787, 1821, 1827, 1946, 1979, 2018, 2034, 2037, 2057, 2119, 2186, 2366, 2374, 2654, 2876, 3287, 3607, 3785, 4226
- cooling: 296
- cooperative technology: 3317
- coproc: 2793, 3413
- coprocess: 3413
- copy left: 551
- copy-on-write: 1600, 1610
- copy: 2348, 2815, 3550, 3851
- copyfight: 151, 164, 229, 267, 294
- copyleft: 3439
- copyright: 151, 164, 205, 272, 412, 421, 430, 617, 1010, 1682, 2583, 2829, 3260, 4063, 4067, 4181
- copyrights: 4055
- coq: 3057
- coral: 1852
- cord cutting: 1448
- coreboot and flashrom: 1702
- coreboot: 1960, 2226
- corel linux: 1133, 1223
- coreos: 1702, 2223
- cores: 975
- coreutils: 3889
- corona: 3191
- coronavirus: 3054, 3078, 3137, 3223
- corporate business: 395
- corporations: 292
- correction: 2433, 2644
- correspondents: 133
- corrupt: 3899
- corruption: 7, 1372
- cortexlab: 2226
- cory doctorow: 1119, 1237, 1301
- cost/benefit: 1557, 1581
- count: 3194
- counterpoint: 1512, 1732, 1784, 1909
- courier: 3060
- coverage: 997
- covid-19: 3042, 3051, 3054, 3076, 3083, 3167, 3172, 3182, 3312, 3445
- covid019: 3248
- covid19: 3364
- covid: 3223, 3256, 3414, 3442
- cowan u3: 65
- cowon d2: 34
- cp/m: 691
- cpp: 3284
- cpu: 975, 3442, 3746, 3878
- cpython: 545, 577
- cq: 3473
- cracking: 99, 215
- crafts: 2626, 2632, 2641, 2652
- craigslist: 2754
- crash recovery: 1724
- cray-1: 1811
- cray: 567
- create iso: 3986
- creating presentation: 1785
- creative commons: 617, 758, 811, 949, 1051, 1068, 1119, 1553, 1652, 2532, 2926, 3010, 3149, 3159, 3260, 3370, 3412, 3432, 3712, 3875, 3885, 3977, 4052
- creative zen nano plus mp3 player: 246
- creative-commons music: 1784
- creativecommons: 3983, 4165
- creativity: 2621, 2636
- credit card pin: 1738
- credit check: 237
- credit freeze: 2796
- crepes: 2654
- cri-o: 3609, 3619
- cricut: 3831
- crime: 3868
- crimespace: 117
- crip: 1703
- critique: 2527
- crivins: 969
- cron history: 507
- cron: 507, 519, 544, 1175, 3398
- crontab: 507, 1175
- cross platform: 346
- cross stitching: 248
- cross-compilation: 1721
- cross-compile: 1706
- cross-compiler: 1324
- cross-platform tools: 1883
- crosstool-ng: 1706
- crowd funding: 2422
- crowdfunding: 3244
- crowds: 2492
- crucial: 3282
- crunchbang linux: 265, 873
- crunchbang: 573, 987, 990, 1098, 1129, 1366, 1604, 1751, 1972
- crusader kings: 3934
- crypto schemes: 3817
- crypto-currency: 769
- crypto: 3756, 3917
- cryptocurrency: 2562, 2866
- cryptographic: 3909
- cryptography: 24, 169, 215, 1390, 3455, 4014
- csa: 3504
- csh: 3142
- css3: 2098
- css: 274, 453, 498, 645, 1073, 1538, 1616, 1657, 3437
- csv: 2698, 2752
- ctf: 2827
- cuisine: 1638, 3571
- cult-of-personality: 2508
- cultural icon: 2376
- culture victory: 4340, 4370
- culture: 1239, 2172, 2376, 3262
- cups: 269, 1194, 1864
- curing: 1511
- curiosity: 3822
- curl: 126, 1013, 2120
- current: 4019
- custom launcher: 3724
- custom query: 209
- customer service: 3557, 3678
- customization: 1993
- customized install: 150
- customs: 771
- cut: 953, 2100
- cutting: 2153
- cv: 78
- cve-2023–35866: 3888
- cvs: 223, 318, 1164
- cw: 3922
- cyanogenmod: 663, 727, 840, 2126, 2244
- cyber security: 3603
- cyber-72: 2968
- cyber-security 101: 2754
- cyber: 3999
- cybercrime: 3898
- cyberpunk: 1235, 2212, 2434, 2437, 3233, 3283, 3373, 4073
- cybersecurity: 3595, 3597, 3612, 3617, 3623, 3626, 3636, 3666, 3678, 3688, 3692, 3697, 3706, 3726, 3999, 4047
- cybrosis: 2434
- cycling: 2624, 3958, 4301
- cygwin: 2547
Tags beginning with 'd'
- d programming language: 552
- d&d: 2762
- d-wave: 3569, 3649
- d1 mini: 3275
- dac: 3299
- daemon: 2003
- daily carry: 1803, 2572
- daily knowledge podcast: 1658
- daily used software: 44
- daisywheel: 1252
- dam: 4071, 4087
- damned lies: 3658
- dan lynch: 2606
- dan: 1633
- dance: 3134
- danielittlewood: 4234
- dark photos: 4350
- darken modes: 3480
- darknet: 2528
- darktable: 1418, 2836, 3218
- darpa: 3701
- dart: 2647
- darwin: 3093, 3273
- data analytics: 3253
- data breach: 3714
- data breaches: 3817
- data center: 366
- data frames: 363
- data general: 2968
- data journalism: 1602
- data mining: 377
- data privacy: 4024
- data recovery: 447
- data reduction: 3623, 3636, 3726
- data science: 3253, 3328
- data: 177, 2091, 2752, 2898, 2906, 3228, 3243, 3328, 3393, 3394, 3457
- database tools: 63
- database: 209, 252, 1089, 1569, 2245, 2260, 2270, 2758, 2868, 3161, 3386
- databases: 3639
- date: 996, 1182, 1952, 2469, 3304, 4201
- dave morriss: 2905
- dave yates: 260
- david collins-rivera: 1943
- daw: 2082, 2464, 3236
- day of week: 1240
- dc-square gmbh: 2690
- dc: 159
- dd command: 1693
- dd-wrt: 403, 1774, 2332
- dd4: 3652
- dd: 2072, 4231
- dd_rescue: 11
- dd_rhelp: 11
- ddclient: 1422
- ddns: 3769
- ddos: 28, 740
- ddp: 3207, 3239
- ddr: 3633
- ddwrt: 662
- de-perimeterisation: 528
- de: 236
- dead earth: 2795
- death: 2074, 3639
- deb nicholson: 1249
- deb: 1688
- debian accessibility: 1561
- debian-gnu-kfreebsd: 514
- debian: 39, 122, 175, 286, 289, 370, 378, 514, 810, 873, 900, 905, 918, 1007, 1129, 1133, 1223, 1320, 1381, 1429, 1468, 1472, 1498, 1698, 1778, 1813, 1841, 1853, 1957, 1972, 1974, 2064, 2223, 2523, 3011, 3056, 3122, 3266, 3429, 3468, 4299
- debug: 4042
- debugging tips: 295
- debugging: 926, 3249, 4096
- dec vax: 1252
- dec: 1499
- decentralisation: 2798
- decentralized: 19
- decibel audio player: 1514
- decibel: 805
- decibels: 2924
- declare: 2739
- decompression: 26
- deep learning: 3319, 3339, 3953
- deepgeek: 24, 2431, 2445
- deepspeech: 3219
- defaults: 107
- defcon 17: 420
- defcon: 420
- definition: 128, 153, 285
- dehydrator: 2239
- del.icio.us: 635
- delete: 2756
- dell mini 10: 1147
- dell mini 9: 1147, 2078
- dell: 4148
- delorean: 3649
- deluge: 2726
- deming: 3830
- demo or bust 2010: 389, 415, 433, 452, 478, 487
- demo: 119, 1337
- democracy: 1310
- demonstrate: 3883
- demoscene: 524, 552, 1337, 3939
- den bosch: 1168
- denial of service: 118
- derbycon: 1918, 2681, 2691
- descriptive statistics: 1605
- design patterns: 2256
- design: 2704, 3893
- desktop customization: 1814
- desktop environment: 2, 707, 1120, 2304, 2794
- desktop environments: 2094
- desktop: 337, 707, 1258, 1603, 1707, 1862, 1863, 1886, 2122, 2813, 3108, 3333, 3576
- desktops: 3539
- desserts: 2119
- detect silence: 2881
- determination: 171
- dev: 1807, 2461
- developing free software: 4157
- developing: 3017
- development: 22, 653, 698, 2308, 2617
- device discovery: 3822
- device tree: 3099
- devices: 199, 3354
- devilspie: 585
- devop: 1932
- devsecops: 3532
- devuan: 2064, 3122
- dexy: 802
- df: 996, 1022
- dhcp: 515, 793, 820, 928, 1034, 3052, 3187
- diabetes: 2580
- diablo 2: 3365
- diablo 4: 3987
- dial-up: 1972
- dialect: 719
- dialog box: 323
- diaspora*: 2224
- diaspora: 1698
- dice game: 2883
- dice: 3519
- dictation: 1769
- dictionary: 2010
- didgeridoo: 9
- didiwiki: 1496
- die hard: 3495
- diecast models: 3073, 3088, 3098, 3109, 3124, 3136
- diet: 2665, 2960, 3171
- diff: 2619
- diffie-hellman: 2510, 2520
- digestion: 1513
- digg: 396
- digikam: 4071, 4087
- digital art: 2267
- digital asset management: 4071, 4087
- digital autonomy: 3402
- digital media player: 951
- digital media: 2259
- digital recorders: 1844
- digital restrictions management: 490
- digital rights management: 1144
- digital voice recorder: 1818
- digital: 159, 3007
- digitalization: 2853
- digitiser: 2968
- digitize: 4244, 4259
- digitizing: 3600, 4244, 4259
- digium: 336
- din rail: 2724
- dinner: 3747
- dinosaur egg: 1344
- diode test: 1846
- direct current: 159
- directory listing: 3590, 3640
- directory: 3836
- dirs: 1843
- discbound: 3933, 3946
- disconnected: 221
- discopigeon: 4263
- discord: 3858, 3949
- discourse: 2841
- discussion: 3096, 3167, 3172, 3879, 3954, 4153, 4251
- disinformation: 3697
- disk usage: 1032
- disk: 3428, 3947
- diskcopy: 3550
- diskduplication: 4231
- dismantling the model: 3098
- disnix: 1016
- displaycal: 2836
- displays: 4301
- dist-upgrade: 447
- distance: 1497
- distorted audio: 1181
- distraction-free: 3764
- distributed authentication: 25
- distributed denial of service: 740
- distributed event platforms: 3639
- distributed systems podcast: 1079
- distributed version control system: 534
- distribution: 1532, 2740
- distributions: 1106, 2295
- distro review: 3776
- distro: 175, 1660, 1783, 2740
- distrohoppers digest: 2839
- distrohopping: 210, 218, 239, 671, 698, 717, 737, 2899, 3798
- distros: 2420, 3266, 3285, 3468, 3798
- diversity: 194, 1663
- diving: 1852
- divx: 190
- diy: 124, 143, 571, 606, 625, 1174, 1282, 1804, 1839, 1867, 1879, 1954, 1994, 2082, 2084, 2108, 2110, 2124, 2153, 2154, 2199, 2214, 2253, 2342, 2406, 2452, 2514, 2591, 2801, 2822, 2847, 2893, 2894, 2978, 2979, 2991, 3006, 3011, 3016, 3115, 3255, 3382, 3441, 3604, 3614, 3624, 3634, 3647, 3749, 3779, 3802, 3809, 4068, 4171, 4182, 4192, 4202, 4212, 4222, 4232, 4262, 4282, 4283, 4295
- diybookscanner: 1701
- django: 252
- djvu: 2767, 2771
- dlna: 884
- dm: 2757, 2782
- dmca: 211, 2829, 3208
- dmesg: 2766
- dnd: 2444, 2550, 2757, 2782, 3202, 3206, 3293
- dns rebind: 3289
- dns tunneling: 747
- dns.com: 588
- dns: 132, 147, 149, 588, 807, 820, 918, 3187, 3323, 4135
- dobbie mcinnes: 2968
- docbook: 866, 2372, 2378, 2425
- dock apps: 245
- docker: 1522, 1743, 2090, 2931, 2934, 2941, 3511, 3532, 3609, 3823, 3867, 4135
- doctor who: 83, 1110, 4200, 4220, 4240, 4420, 4440
- document management: 1939
- document: 3437
- documentary: 4073
- documentation: 193, 205, 340, 2466, 4206
- documents: 3805
- docx: 3596
- dodecaphony: 1794
- dodge and burn: 3460
- dog: 2561, 2754
- dokuwiki: 434, 1496, 1959
- domain name service: 132
- domain name system: 807
- domain: 1613
- domains: 147
- don lancaster: 700
- donation: 1186
- donations: 1053, 1974
- doom: 1118, 1183
- doomsday rule: 1240
- door: 2342
- doppler: 2358
- dos: 901, 2977, 3390, 3410, 3430, 3447, 3450, 3470, 3490, 3510, 3530, 3550, 3570, 3590, 3610, 3640, 3660, 3680, 3700, 3720, 3740
- doudoulinux: 1699
- dough: 1327, 1827
- dowloads: 3466
- download manager: 474
- download party: 129
- download: 922, 1430
- dpkg: 3357
- dr who: 70
- dr: 2602
- dragon player: 823
- dragon: 4258
- dram: 3633
- drama: 1683, 4205
- draw: 3150
- drawing: 4103
- dream the electric sleep: 1549
- dreamhack: 1428
- dreamscreen 100: 450
- dreamweaver: 670
- dremel: 2081
- dressing spiffily: 1879
- driftnet: 127
- drinking beer: 1684
- drive: 1450, 2377, 3224
- drivecast: 4032, 4083
- drivers: 150, 195, 235
- driving: 619, 2400, 2440, 3058, 3978, 4003
- drlm: 1957
- drm: 151, 164, 211, 226, 250, 284, 490, 1144
- dropbear: 3638
- drum'n'bass: 466
- drupal: 259, 811, 1126, 1394, 1408, 1607, 1667
- drupalcamp: 1126, 1408
- drupalgbg: 1408
- dry joint: 1037
- ds18b20: 2353
- dsl: 140, 608, 997
- dtd: 913
- dtmf: 419
- du: 996, 1032
- dual boot: 698, 1302, 2518
- dual-boot: 2305
- dual-booting: 1854
- dual-factor authentication: 23
- duckduckgo: 3438
- ducky: 3791
- dudmanovi podcast: 1114
- duffer: 2116
- duffercast: 1890
- duinokit: 1536
- dumpster diving: 634
- dundee: 581, 815
- dungeon master: 2757, 2782
- duplication: 4231
- durol: 3152
- dutch: 3189
- duty to rescue: 4216
- dvcs: 534
- dvd backup: 272
- dvd: 347, 1031, 3179, 3294, 3986
- dvgrab: 160
- dvr: 908, 1818
- dwm: 3274
- dynamic dns: 4203
- dynamic ip updating: 132
- dynamic port forwarding: 112
- dynamic scope: 2807
- dynamic tabs: 178
- dynamic: 149
- dyndns: 1422
- dyslexia: 1770
Tags beginning with 'e'
- e-ink: 3737
- e-reader: 483, 3737
- e-trade: 613
- e. e. "doc" smith: 2462
- e17: 435, 511, 1269
- ea podcasts: 3074
- earbuds: 2847
- early pc computing: 3390, 3410, 3430, 3450, 3470, 3490, 3510, 3530, 3550, 3570, 3590, 3610, 3640, 3660, 3680, 3700, 3720, 3740
- earphone: 2599
- earphones: 1801
- earth: 3126
- east germany: 1841
- easy: 4126
- easytag: 256, 1418
- easytether: 3778
- ebook readers: 1809, 1949, 2337
- ebook: 1433, 1942, 2708, 2767, 2771
- ebooks: 490, 1657, 1732, 1789, 1829, 1909, 1949, 2209, 2264, 2337, 3367, 3384, 4207
- echo: 3720
- echoprint: 2016
- ecology: 3825
- economics: 783, 4055
- ecosia: 3438
- edc: 2026
- edent: 4234
- edgar villchur: 850
- edgeos: 3099
- edinburgh: 3829, 3879, 3954, 4082, 4153, 4251
- edit command: 1997
- edit: 1404, 3680
- editing: 1776, 1796, 3218, 3717
- editor: 623, 803, 1714, 1724, 1734, 1776, 2055, 2348, 2619
- editors: 1708
- edublocks: 2144, 2601, 2616
- edubuntu: 407
- education: 286, 523, 610, 645, 1272, 1386, 1723, 2061, 2965, 3058, 3688, 4026
- educational software: 403
- edupython: 2056, 2144
- eee pc: 257, 483
- eeepc: 8, 3383, 3418, 3527
- eff: 469, 811, 3578
- effects: 3004
- efi hack: 437
- eggcorn: 3608
- eggs: 3607
- eink: 4156
- el paso: 3830, 3850
- elecom: 3771
- electric cars: 2508
- electric grid: 1310
- electric lawnmower: 3443, 3452, 3693
- electric vehicles: 4140
- electrical: 3145, 3186, 3192, 3213, 3787, 4068, 4182, 4282
- electricity: 221, 3213, 3245, 3494, 3772
- electrocution: 3213
- electromagnetic radiation: 756
- electron: 3039
- electronic frontier foundation: 3578
- electronic medical records: 405
- electronic music creation: 439
- electronic project kit: 1536
- electronic recycling: 2243
- electronics: 159, 248, 772, 911, 1174, 1503, 1817, 1858, 1971, 2029, 2044, 2056, 2062, 2071, 2089, 2148, 2220, 2329, 2369, 2394, 2407, 2514, 2551, 2591, 2759, 2769, 2786, 2822, 2874, 2901, 2914, 2924, 3016, 3064, 3077, 3235, 3363, 3644, 3772, 3781, 4108, 4152, 4192, 4202, 4212, 4222, 4232
- electrostatic: 3739
- element: 3509
- elementary os: 1746
- elfm: 196
- elgg: 1400
- eligibility: 2327
- elisp: 3892, 3908, 3918
- elliptical: 3771
- elm: 2633, 2723, 3068
- elon musk: 2508, 3379
- elysburg: 1647
- emacs lisp: 852
- emacs: 229, 868, 888, 1188, 2055, 2139, 2415, 2449, 3042, 3764, 3892, 3908, 3918, 4268
- emagazines: 2264
- email filters: 3848, 3972
- email server: 2411
- email: 60, 122, 203, 222, 306, 929, 1462, 1481, 1524, 1571, 1727, 1740, 1922, 2763, 3308, 3467, 3476, 4144, 4264
- embed: 4272
- embedded systems: 1619, 1630
- embedded: 180, 187
- emergency boot disk: 3470
- emergency preparedness: 3494
- emergency show: 3607
- emergency: 1068
- emigration: 2577
- emoji: 3302
- empire: 4380
- emscripten: 1847
- emulation: 660, 2982
- emulator: 373
- encoding: 580, 3782
- encrypt: 1524
- encryption: 222, 253, 297, 319, 325, 561, 1101, 1358, 1390, 1440, 1462, 1471, 1481, 1640, 1920, 2095, 2105, 2510, 2520, 2540, 2791, 2860, 3147, 3455, 3715, 3800, 4160
- end software patents: 362
- end-user documentation: 957
- endeavouros: 2899
- endings: 186, 2643
- energetic: 3169
- energiewende: 1310
- energy justice: 1310
- energy: 1310, 3347
- engine repair: 3494
- engineer: 2027
- engineering: 3363
- engines: 101
- english: 2237, 2558, 2596, 2751, 3525, 3753, 4002
- enigmail: 1524
- enlightenment 0.17.x: 1269
- enlightenment desktop: 244, 1248
- enlightenment e16: 1972
- enlightenment: 435, 506, 865, 1958
- enshittification: 4116
- enterprise resource planning: 708
- enterprise: 2850, 4258
- entropy: 1620
- entroware: 2007
- environment variable: 3013
- environment variables: 3551
- environment: 118, 1807, 1830, 3013
- eol: 534
- ephemeral diffie-hellman: 2540
- epoch: 2469
- epub: 1609, 1909, 1938, 1949, 3153, 3384, 3737, 4207
- eq: 3489
- equafax: 189
- equality: 103
- equalization: 2082, 3345
- equalizer: 3973
- equipment: 2383, 2400, 4126
- eras: 4450
- ereaders: 1829, 2337
- ergonomic: 3593
- ergonomics: 3771
- erlang: 668
- erp: 708
- error reporting: 3392
- esa: 3504
- escape pod: 3074
- escapees: 3650
- escort services: 3163
- esound: 173
- espanol: 3493
- espeak: 907, 1446, 1782, 1841, 2215, 4011
- esperanto: 744, 754
- espresso: 1636
- etcher: 2674
- etching: 1174
- ethernet cable: 246, 2078
- ethernet switch: 2284
- ethernet: 363, 1409, 3052
- etherpad: 795, 1418
- ethical hacker: 472
- ethical hacking: 353, 529
- ethics: 3347
- ettercap: 127
- eu: 1542, 3982
- eula: 284
- eurkey: 3302
- europe: 2576
- ev charging: 4140
- ev's: 3711
- eval: 3551
- evaluating studies: 2695
- event: 2532, 4297
- events: 2827
- evidence: 2705, 2870, 2880
- evil steve: 3603, 3612, 3617
- evil: 284
- evilsteve: 3623, 3626, 3636, 3666, 3678, 3688, 3692, 3697, 3706, 3726
- evoo: 4031
- excel: 2653
- exchanging data: 913
- excuses: 1726
- execution planners: 3469
- exercise: 1528, 2387, 2665
- exhibition: 2821
- exif: 546, 3564
- exiftool: 448, 3564
- exiv2: 546
- expansion: 1903, 1951, 2045, 2278, 2293
- experience: 4054, 4074
- experiment: 3883
- experimental: 4025
- explainer: 28
- export: 759, 1922
- exposure risks: 521
- exposure triangle: 4273
- expressive programming: 165, 188, 208, 230, 254, 281
- ext2: 1530
- ext2fs: 1530
- ext3: 1550
- ext4: 1550
- ext: 1520
- extended attributes: 1232
- extended berkeley packet filter: 3249
- extended file system: 1520
- extended pattern matching: 2293
- extended test: 2679
- extensions: 110, 589, 3103, 3851, 3862
- external commands: 3470
- external hd: 2065
- external: 112
- external_links: 4204
- extglob: 2293, 2699
- extinction: 4178
- extravehicular: 1597
- eye care: 2605
- eyewitness: 2120
Tags beginning with 'f'
- f-droid: 1434, 2498, 3992
- f1000research: 1564
- f4goh: 4213
- f4klo: 4213
- fab: 1633
- face recognition: 204
- facebook: 396, 1637, 3340
- facial recognition: 4055
- factor: 1222
- factorio: 4138
- fahrenheit: 1443
- fail: 3785
- failure: 2342
- fair use: 2829
- fairphone: 3246
- faith: 4490
- fake identification: 234, 237
- fakenews: 3697
- fallacy: 3555
- fallout perks: 3130
- false: 2639
- family: 2921
- fandom for robots: 3074
- fans: 2604
- fantasy: 2484, 3897, 4180
- fashion: 2964
- fastboot: 3110
- fasting: 4105, 4105
- fat: 1580
- faubackups: 85
- fault tolerance: 668
- favorite episodes: 263
- favorites: 2834
- fbi help: 4008
- fcc: 6, 1860
- fdisk: 2766
- fdroid: 2810
- features: 178, 180
- federated social network: 3509
- federated: 2900, 2910, 2930, 2940, 3154
- federation: 1876, 2169
- fediverse: 2900, 2910, 2930, 2940, 2970, 2995, 3005, 3015, 3025, 3035, 3045, 3055, 3065, 3075, 3085, 3200, 3220, 3280, 3380, 3760, 3780, 4116, 4320
- fedora 5: 30
- fedora core: 1381
- fedora project: 846, 2222
- fedora scientific: 1572
- fedora: 152, 273, 370, 391, 402, 446, 506, 750, 810, 928, 938, 947, 1079, 1697, 1743, 1958, 1974, 2487, 2915
- feed-in tariff: 1310
- feed2imap: 1027
- feed: 438, 1488, 2206, 2273, 2339, 2529
- feedreader: 3082
- feeds: 3102, 4106
- femke: 3269
- fenster: 1697
- fermentation: 142
- fermenting: 125, 276, 2374
- ferrari: 3658
- festival: 21, 397, 1446, 3134
- fetchmail: 1188, 1727
- fetus: 4027
- ffmpeg: 369, 468, 594, 968, 1013, 1449, 1952, 2489, 2975, 3058, 3267, 3507, 3641, 3902, 4077, 4185
- ffprobe: 1952, 2975
- ffs2: 3119
- fhir: 2093
- fiber optic: 980
- fiber: 4092
- fibre optic: 980, 1193
- fiction: 18, 3897, 3921
- field: 14, 3497
- fifo: 3811
- fiftyonefifty: 2925
- file conversion: 368
- file descriptor: 3413
- file formats: 594, 1238, 1393, 3952
- file handling: 167
- file management: 1308
- file manager: 138, 233, 1756, 3427, 3618
- file managers: 1814
- file naming: 1996
- file preparation: 3900
- file recovery: 656, 2929
- file server: 1121
- file sharing: 275, 356
- file synchronisation: 1643
- file system: 1520, 1530, 1540, 1560, 1570, 1580, 1590, 1600, 1610, 2313, 3570
- file transfer: 654, 2364
- file: 3899
- filename expansion: 2293, 2302, 2317
- filenames: 3530
- filesystem repair: 2929
- filesystem: 277, 278, 1550, 2072
- filesystems: 4194
- filezilla: 2040
- filk music: 4165
- fills: 1505
- film review: 7, 504, 527
- film: 486, 491, 1597, 2527, 2937, 2957, 3007, 3017, 4267
- filtering: 126
- filters: 1645, 4061
- finance: 369, 1595, 2568, 2574
- financial function: 1585
- financial support: 973
- financial tracking: 4254
- find the difference: 1467
- find: 2699
- finnish: 2843
- fire brigade: 2851, 2895, 2935
- fire fighting: 2851, 2895, 2935
- fire: 1632
- firearm: 637, 1219
- firefox addon collector: 391
- firefox extension: 425
- firefox os: 1444
- firefox: 4, 110, 178, 193, 327, 417, 465, 589, 1007, 1728, 1759, 2040, 2243, 2559, 2985, 3103, 3273, 3543, 3561, 3569, 3629, 3851, 3862, 4292
- firestarter firewall: 1886
- firestick: 3061
- firewall: 398, 528, 2538
- firewalls: 311, 2913, 3587
- firewire: 2915
- firmware: 143, 204, 250
- first aid: 3914
- first impressions: 2633
- first podcast: 2419
- first show: 3263, 3643, 3644
- fish shell: 2333
- fish: 2268, 3825
- fishing: 2268
- fitness: 3593
- fitted sheet: 1368
- five year plan: 3269, 3529
- fix: 3899
- fix_tags: 1952
- fixed: 1649
- fixing stuff: 2124
- fixing things: 2597
- fixing: 54
- fixit: 2342
- fl studio: 1303
- flac: 131, 1393, 3641
- flash 9: 249
- flash drive: 941
- flash video: 1103
- flash: 194, 291, 319, 358, 480, 3968, 3974
- flashback: 2522
- flashing: 143
- flashlight: 3591, 3788
- flashlights: 1929
- flask: 2141
- flathub: 4298
- flatpack: 2811
- flatpak: 2984, 4238, 4298
- fldigi: 1427
- flea market: 680, 1043
- flight simulators: 49
- flight: 2714
- flintlock: 1219
- floppy: 3947
- florida: 397, 4020, 4040, 4060
- floss contributions: 2582
- floss weekly: 2606, 2980, 3138
- floss: 684, 933, 943, 957, 973, 983, 1118, 1119, 1576, 2182, 2661, 3019, 3033, 3833, 4079
- flow-based: 2623
- flux: 1047, 3497
- fluxbox: 172, 257, 374, 391
- fm: 2358
- fob: 2986
- focal fossa: 3097
- focus writer: 1369
- focuswriter: 1195, 1418
- fog machine: 2991
- folder: 3836
- folding: 1368
- folk_music: 4162
- followups more: 3129
- font-face: 1616
- font: 1616, 2218
- fonts: 107, 1770, 1886, 3260
- food bank: 4258, 4288
- food insecurity: 4288
- food preparation: 2735
- food preserving: 2374
- food science: 1513
- food: 1513, 1638, 2087, 2161, 2258, 2735, 2876, 3157, 3171, 3386, 3408, 3571
- foomatic drivers: 269
- foot: 1502
- for loop: 3681
- for loops: 531
- for: 2689, 3681
- ford: 3658
- foreign key: 2260
- foreman: 2223
- forking a company: 3209
- formal-methods: 3789
- format: 3550
- formats: 108, 3304, 3782, 3805
- forms: 3296, 3362
- formulas: 1495, 2069
- forth: 3477, 3537, 3807, 3812, 3818, 4022
- fortran ii: 1270
- fortran77: 1252
- fortran: 932, 1499, 1811
- forum: 2472, 3932
- forums: 259
- forward secrecy: 2520
- fosdem 2012: 906
- fosdem 2017: 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2226
- fosdem 2020: 3022
- fosdem: 906, 1447, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1473, 1713, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 3010, 3012, 3813, 3833, 4122, 4225
- foss in business: 476
- foss: 301, 400, 407, 429, 493, 575, 627, 933, 943, 957, 973, 983, 1553, 2049, 2182, 2334, 2421, 2661, 3246, 3269, 3894, 4297
- fosscon: 592
- fossil: 2162, 2564
- foundation: 4280
- fountain pen: 632, 1941, 2273, 3063, 3092, 3197
- fountain pens: 2061
- four freedoms: 1973
- four seasons: 3159
- fourth of july: 552
- fractalide: 2507, 2623
- fragmentation: 161, 414
- frame properties: 1435
- frame-rate: 29
- frame: 856, 861
- framebuffer: 518
- frames: 29, 1425
- framework: 4065, 4107
- france: 1528, 3216
- fraud: 3868, 3898, 3978
- fredrick chopin: 3169
- free and open source software: 3050, 3069, 3138
- free apps: 2118
- free as in freedom: 1697, 4079
- free beer: 271
- free course: 907
- free culture podcast: 3813
- free culture podcasts: 3100
- free culture: 556, 2434, 3938
- free cycle: 863
- free food: 634
- free internet: 2277
- free long distance calling: 73
- free magazine: 2926
- free music archive: 3794
- free open source software revolution: 3009
- free open source software: 3019, 3033
- free photos: 3370
- free projects: 604
- free software definition: 995
- free software foundation europe: 857
- free software foundation: 332, 341, 841, 933, 3311
- free software support: 1797
- free software: 236, 271, 280, 342, 362, 456, 473, 476, 493, 502, 684, 865, 994, 1078, 1293, 1682, 1713, 1882, 2197, 2200, 2287, 2410, 2459, 3317, 3402
- free speech: 3553, 3585
- free weights: 2387
- free: 1002, 1901, 2197, 3120, 4079
- freebanding: 156
- freebmd: 1045
- freebsd project: 2222
- freebsd: 48, 412, 424, 428, 499, 514, 876, 974, 1293, 1333, 1960, 2953, 3655, 3671, 3705, 3777, 3855, 4038, 4231
- freeculturepodcast: 3885
- freeculturepodcasts: 3407, 3875
- freedom of speech: 2210
- freedom.nl: 3244
- freedom: 105, 193, 231, 236, 292, 684, 1077, 1103, 1953, 2197, 2475, 3163, 3598
- freedoom: 1118
- freelance: 638
- freenas: 974
- freenode: 1018, 3034
- freeshell: 466
- freesoftware: 1896, 3242
- freespeech: 2193
- freespire: 1381, 2051
- freeware: 627
- french press: 1857
- french: 4002
- frequency: 614
- fresh: 1857
- freshmeat: 831
- friend: 2074
- friends having you back: 1637
- friends: 641, 3942
- friendship: 3904
- friendster: 396
- friesland: 919
- fritzing: 2750
- from dusk till dawn: 3609
- frotz: 2473
- frédéric chopin: 3000
- fscons 2011: 1077, 1087
- fscons: 847, 860, 1087, 1423, 1458
- fsf: 841, 857, 1009, 3311, 3316, 3388
- fsfe: 857, 1957, 2223, 2945, 2946, 3388, 3407, 3833
- fslint: 232
- fswebcam: 1344, 2945, 2946
- ftp client: 138
- ftp: 181, 228, 648, 1938
- fugitive: 1091
- fugue: 1784
- fuguita: 3091, 3108
- fujitsu-siemens futro s210: 2417
- full backup: 30
- full circle magazine: 2926
- full circle podcast: 694, 714, 724, 729, 749, 764, 784, 794, 799, 819, 824, 839, 864, 874, 954, 1029, 1035, 1049, 1054, 1084
- full trip: 3690
- fun: 66, 678, 686, 693, 1508, 1510, 1955, 2467, 2485, 3775
- function key: 2399
- function: 1575, 1757, 2096, 2448, 2483
- functional programming language: 4104
- functional programming: 3796
- functions: 1595, 1605, 1615, 1625, 3453, 3681
- functor: 2778
- funkwhale: 3808, 3832, 4115
- furlong: 1502
- fuse: 1254
- fusion: 3711
- fusor: 3739
- future: 2802, 3238, 3706, 4109, 4174
- fuzzbox: 1817
- fvwm: 511
Tags beginning with 'g'
- g+: 1623
- gadget: 4243
- gadgetoid: 3100
- gadgets: 1829
- galactic plane: 4178
- galactic year: 4178
- galleries: 259
- gallery: 1845, 4217
- gambling: 665
- game boy advance: 3765
- game consoles: 3709
- game construction: 2887, 2892, 2897, 2902, 2907, 2912, 2917, 2922, 2927, 2932
- game development community: 581
- game development: 458, 581, 2256, 2262, 2908, 3582
- game engine: 458, 495, 581
- game master: 2757, 2782
- game review: 261
- game: 1040, 1467, 1494, 1617, 2121, 2127, 2132, 2136, 2146, 2152, 2159, 2164, 2168, 2172, 2174, 2178, 2266, 2276, 2282, 2381, 2390, 2402, 2437, 2444, 2455, 2569, 2571, 2749, 2770, 3062, 3268, 3325, 3406, 3411, 3789, 3856, 3869, 3893
- gamebooks: 1764
- gamer: 2987, 2997
- games console: 62
- games consoles: 38
- games: 665, 1403, 1428, 1493, 1764, 1813, 1872, 2987, 2997, 3036, 3301, 3318, 3699, 4054, 4074, 4095
- gaming: 38, 458, 581, 1040, 1233, 1594, 1967, 2059, 2121, 2127, 2132, 2136, 2146, 2152, 2159, 2164, 2168, 2174, 2178, 2266, 2276, 2282, 2334, 2381, 2390, 2402, 2404, 2409, 2423, 2424, 2429, 2439, 2455, 2749, 2762, 2786, 2887, 2892, 2897, 2902, 2907, 2912, 2917, 2922, 2927, 2932, 3365, 3733, 3939, 4127, 4138, 4141, 4161, 4236, 4267, 4301
- gaminggrannar: 1403
- garage door: 2342, 2978, 3255
- garage sale: 1271
- garage: 119
- garden: 2161
- gardening: 2116, 3157, 3408
- garmin: 922
- garrett: 1603
- garythewilliams: 4234
- gas powered: 536
- gateway: 942
- gawk: 2120, 2129, 2163, 2238, 2438, 2526, 2610, 2816, 2824
- gba: 3765
- gcc: 1330, 3284
- gdb: 3284, 4042
- gdm: 3097
- gdpr: 2560, 3982
- geany: 1223, 1531
- gear: 1803, 2827
- gecko: 2966
- geckos: 2971, 2977
- gedit: 2055
- geek bag: 2842
- geek news central: 1319
- geek speak: 1652
- geek tidbit: 268
- geek: 148, 251, 449, 2587, 2777
- geeknet: 831
- geekspeak.org: 1652
- geese: 1692
- gegl: 3180
- geko: 3517
- gel pen: 3197
- gemini: 3865
- genealogy: 1045, 3571
- general content.: 3298
- general data protection regulation: 2560
- generative ai: 4118
- generators: 3494
- generic solutions: 1376
- genesis megadrive emulation: 3358
- genesis: 1337, 2137
- genre: 2718
- gentoo cd: 246
- gentoo: 175, 226, 410, 1133, 1191, 1499, 1957, 2223, 2823
- geocaching: 3, 673, 2921
- geoiplookup: 1654
- geolocation: 1233
- georgia: 3578, 4060, 4080
- geospart: 4233
- german: 2172, 2576, 2642
- germany: 167, 1310, 2821
- getopts: 4088
- getting started: 1818, 3562
- giffgaff: 822
- gift card: 237
- giga: 3454
- gigablast: 3438
- gil: 577
- gimp: 234, 307, 308, 593, 1081, 1418, 2836, 3095, 3125, 3140, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3190, 3210, 3230, 3250, 3270, 3290, 3310, 3330, 3350, 3400, 3420, 3440, 3460, 3480, 3500, 3520, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3600, 3620, 4330, 4350
- girls in tech la: 1747
- git push: 2130
- git: 223, 318, 789, 1164, 1367, 2040, 2130, 2145, 2162, 2428, 2446, 2461, 2504, 2512, 2516, 2553, 2564, 2573, 2609, 2634, 2664, 3166, 3307, 3479, 3548, 3549, 3668, 3797
- gitea: 3549
- github: 2664, 2982, 3491, 3538
- gitlab pages: 2542, 3823
- giver: 275
- gkrellm: 4184
- glasgow: 1788, 1868, 2036
- glass cutting: 2128, 2147
- glass: 2128, 2147
- glmr: 1531
- global interpreter lock: 577
- glue: 3775
- gluster: 1957, 2223
- gluten: 1827
- gm: 2757, 2782
- gmail: 183, 189, 2534
- gmixer: 530
- gmpc: 1277
- gnash player: 358
- gnome 3: 2304
- gnome music project: 658
- gnome shell: 469
- gnome-ppp: 1886
- gnome3: 3133
- gnome: 173, 280, 1129, 1603, 1697, 2222
- gnu awk: 2852
- gnu c: 1330
- gnu emacs: 852, 856, 861, 866
- gnu fm: 1039
- gnu grub: 2226
- gnu hackers meetings: 342
- gnu health: 1582, 2093
- gnu image manipulation program: 1081
- gnu linux: 372, 1668
- gnu nano: 2055
- gnu project: 933
- gnu readline: 2073, 2453, 2505
- gnu screen: 770, 1215
- gnu social: 1799, 1836, 2190
- gnu solidario: 1582
- gnu sort: 768
- gnu taler: 2222
- gnu world order: 1319
- gnu/emacs: 1187
- gnu/linux (operating system): 1284, 1568
- gnu/linux diversity: 3272
- gnu/linux: 1814, 2039, 2182, 3272
- gnu/nano: 1708
- gnu/screen: 2009
- gnu: 514, 811, 1773, 1783, 1902, 1973, 2077, 3399, 3798
- gnucash: 369
- gnulinux: 1896
- gnumeric: 1418
- gnupg: 441, 1358, 1780, 3756
- gnus: 1187
- gnuworldorder: 3335, 3754
- go language: 1793
- go programming language: 483
- go: 1932
- god: 3754
- godot engine: 2227
- golang: 3209
- golden age: 4260
- golf: 105, 113
- good samaritan laws: 4216
- goodreads: 396, 3380, 3760
- goodwill: 1028
- google 411: 73
- google chromecast: 1396
- google code-in: 2225
- google dynamic search ads: 3997
- google free: 2498
- google impact challenge: 1894
- google maps: 3630, 3650, 3670
- google marketplace: 821
- google nest: 3880
- google pixel c: 2117
- google play music: 1391
- google play store: 1230
- google play: 1872
- google reader: 909, 1027
- google sky map: 1533
- google summer of code: 683, 1959
- google voice: 2856
- google-authenticator: 1161
- google: 284, 306, 570, 1027, 1230, 1233, 1442, 1922, 2167, 2183, 2534, 3449, 3538, 3832, 4024
- gopher: 566, 1117, 2411, 3801, 3865
- government: 242, 674, 3561
- gpad: 2126
- gparted live cd: 246
- gpd2846: 3809
- gpd2846a: 3809
- gpg keys: 441
- gpg-agent: 441
- gpg: 443, 1410, 1500, 1524, 1888, 2556, 3018, 3476
- gpicsync: 368
- gpio: 967
- gpl: 184, 211, 229, 424, 551, 1063, 1708
- gpodder.net: 2959
- gpodder: 256, 382, 739, 1418, 2068
- gprs: 156
- gps: 56, 143, 368, 646, 661, 673, 922, 1123, 1137, 1466, 1474, 1527
- gpsbabel: 368
- gpt-2: 3953
- gpt-3: 3379
- gpt: 3953
- gpx file: 368
- grace hopper: 926
- gradients: 3210
- grammar: 2558, 2596, 2751, 3525, 3541, 3608
- gramps: 1045
- graph databases: 3689
- graph plotter: 1664, 1811
- graph: 209, 1555, 1565, 1932
- grapheneos: 4024
- graphic art: 370
- graphic novel: 18, 347
- graphical user interface: 1911
- graphics: 180, 3095, 3125, 3140, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3190, 3210, 3230, 3250, 4095, 4177
- graphicsmagick: 2730, 3564
- graphviz: 1816
- graves: 3189
- gray-hovermann: 1280
- green computing: 365
- green lantern: 4298
- green: 3347
- greenwheels: 1830
- greetings card: 1521
- greetings: 2485
- grep: 425, 1952, 2040, 2072, 3911, 3959, 3998
- grill: 1591
- grills: 3225
- grim dawn: 3987
- grimoirelab: 2227
- grocery: 3047
- grooming: 2861
- grooveshark: 3808
- ground-truth document: 1069
- group chat: 3971
- group: 2982
- growing food: 3042
- growler: 1730
- grub rescue: 3448
- grub2: 2181
- grub: 50, 81, 116, 3588
- grumpies: 3258
- grumpy old coders: 3184, 3469, 3529
- gsm modems: 264
- gsoc: 683, 1442, 2225, 3668
- gspca devices: 286
- gstreamer: 823, 3492
- gta5: 2398
- gtd: 1876
- gtk+: 2877
- gtts: 2825
- guadec: 1603
- guake: 1113
- guayadeque: 658
- guest survey: 509
- guest: 3699
- gui: 1440, 1441, 1911, 4095
- guide: 1818
- guile: 2198
- guitar pedal: 1817
- guitar: 2801, 2822, 2893, 2974
- guitars: 2759
- guix: 1881, 2198, 2308, 3302, 3377, 3448, 4247
- guixsd: 3448, 4247
- gum disease: 1709
- gvim: 1091, 1714, 1724, 1776
- gwenview: 546
- gwibber: 224
- gwo: 3335
- gym membership: 624
Tags beginning with 'h'
- h.o.p.e.: 1041
- ha: 4099, 4125
- hack radio live: 555, 557
- hack the knit: 1699
- hack: 1596, 1858, 2126, 3382
- hackathon: 3388
- hacker culture: 2142
- hacker media: 157
- hacker public radio: 1407, 1700, 4129, 4132
- hacker stories: 3602
- hacker: 18, 103, 179, 285, 367, 1014, 1596, 3692
- hackermedia: 100
- hackers on planet earth: 1041
- hackers: 349, 1239, 2626, 2632, 2641, 2652
- hackerspace: 516, 732, 796, 1168
- hackhacking: 3395
- hacking at random: 445
- hacking degree: 533
- hacking stories: 3405, 3415, 3425, 3435, 3514
- hacking storiesing: 3395
- hacking: 43, 54, 62, 161, 194, 325, 426, 454, 505, 517, 529, 557, 1014, 1077, 1239, 1265, 1304, 2177, 2398, 2491, 2621, 2636, 2694, 2796, 2827, 2847, 3036, 3061, 3090, 3144, 3158, 3183, 3267, 3365, 3385, 3405, 3415, 3425, 3435, 3441, 3491, 3565, 3642, 3692, 3785, 3924, 3939, 3941, 3991, 4013, 4067, 4085, 4135, 4175, 4211, 4226, 4229, 4239, 4276
- hackintosh: 1374
- hacks: 1450, 1460, 1657, 2872, 3192
- hadoop: 1786, 1937, 2347, 2370
- hadopi router: 403, 412
- haiku: 2223, 3418, 3777
- halloween: 1908, 2991, 3174, 3194, 3202, 3449
- hallucination: 1328
- ham radio: 445, 738, 1036, 1092, 2041, 2226, 2383, 2403, 2414, 2418, 2486, 2499, 3473, 3513, 3545, 3661
- ham: 6, 2189, 2216, 2240, 2648, 2656, 2668, 2678, 2688, 2867, 3473, 3513, 3742, 4122, 4225
- hamradio: 2189, 2216, 3513
- hamradiotrainer: 3505
- hand draw: 3729
- hand: 1502
- handbrake: 434, 1013
- handle: 202, 1613
- hands on: 3999
- handset: 2217
- handwriting: 2061
- handyman: 2342
- hans reiser: 3701
- haos: 4125
- happiness: 4450
- happy planner: 3933, 3946
- hard asset: 613
- hard disks: 57
- hard drive adapter: 225
- hard drive: 2022, 3521, 3727
- hard drives: 3237, 3463
- hard link: 1122
- harddrive password: 170
- hardware driver: 1069
- hardware hack: 1828
- hardware hacking: 124, 325
- hardware review: 2769
- hardware security: 3627
- hardware upgrade: 1731
- hardware upgrades: 3521
- hardware: 9, 24, 143, 326, 650, 662, 672, 681, 722, 737, 798, 1308, 1493, 1494, 1739, 1894, 1980, 1989, 2062, 2089, 2112, 2340, 2344, 2549, 2662, 2777, 2889, 2901, 2914, 3077, 3096, 3145, 3186, 3243, 3278, 3417, 3521, 3592, 3646, 3669, 3723, 3752, 3935, 4051, 4295
- harmonic distortion: 131
- harmonica: 246
- harmony: 1754
- harry reid: 2485
- hashing: 137, 1598
- hashtags: 3035
- haskell: 932, 2598, 2618, 2693, 2703, 2713, 2733, 2748, 2758, 2768, 2778, 2788, 2797, 2808, 2818, 2828, 2838, 2848, 2858, 2868, 2908, 2918, 2928, 2938, 2948, 2958, 2969, 3028, 3057, 3392, 3489, 3508, 3535, 3558, 3562, 3582, 3759
- haste-client: 2067
- haste-server: 2067
- haste: 2067
- having a good time: 3409
- haycon: 3
- hb9: 3505
- hba: 3584
- hdfs: 2347
- hdmi: 875, 967, 4185
- hdr photography: 468
- head: 2553
- headlamp: 4219
- headless: 1819
- headphone: 2005
- headphones: 131, 1812, 3859, 4145
- headset: 3544
- headsets: 3589
- healio: 3778
- health and safety: 3565
- health insurance: 2325, 2343, 2350, 2360, 2375, 2385, 2395, 2470
- health policy: 2325, 2350, 2360, 2375, 2385, 2395, 2470
- health: 145, 622, 1528, 1638, 2286, 2413, 2530, 2580, 2605, 2615, 2655, 2665, 2685, 2695, 2705, 2812, 2861, 2870, 2880, 2960, 3054, 3078, 3137, 3171, 3185, 3593, 3779
- healthcare costs: 2385
- healthcare: 3051, 3223
- heart: 2655
- heartbleed: 1491
- heat: 2153
- heathkit: 776, 1270
- heavy breathing: 4193
- heavy metal: 1923
- heil pr20: 555
- helios project: 1426
- helios: 1639
- helium: 1587
- hello magazine: 3588
- hello world: 3453
- hello! magazine: 3649
- help out: 92
- help: 2864, 3510
- helpfulness: 1033
- hemoglobin: 4027
- henry kloss: 850
- hercules: 2635
- hexbug: 3026
- hexdump: 1343
- heyu: 1548
- hf: 2499, 2668, 2678, 2688, 3473
- hhd: 3633
- 183 :
- hiding: 169, 4252
- hifi: 805
- high performance computing: 349
- high performance: 3567, 3572
- higher education: 3478
- highq mp3: 3838
- hiking: 2602
- hillend: 3879
- hints and tips: 1856
- hints: 1801
- hiphop: 397
- hipster boxing: 607
- hipster databases: 3469
- hipster languages: 3279
- hiro: 1403
- historical romance: 2484
- history: 171, 181, 187, 340, 421, 456, 702, 715, 966, 1139, 2142, 2194, 2386, 2408, 2475, 2484, 2503, 2646, 3148, 3185, 3214, 3343, 3403, 3477, 3767, 3896, 4154, 4236, 4260
- hivemq: 2690
- hoaxes: 66
- hobbies: 2059, 2254
- hobby computing: 2896
- hobby electronics: 4011, 4058, 4059
- hobby: 4037
- hoga island: 1852
- hold space: 2011, 2060
- holiday: 258, 1387, 3996, 3999, 4006, 4183
- hollandaise: 1821
- hollywood: 4267
- home theatre: 555
- home assistant: 4099, 4125
- home automation: 182, 359, 403, 890, 4099
- home brewing: 125, 142, 276, 1998
- home improvement: 2342, 2978, 3115, 3199
- home network: 4061
- home networking: 3587
- home networks: 2820
- home recording studios: 2884
- home repair: 3199, 3211, 3225, 4282
- home server: 2780
- home servers: 2209
- home theater: 2543
- home theatre: 359
- home-made computer: 3775
- home: 3211, 3255, 4076
- homeassistant: 4248
- homeautomation: 4248
- homebrew: 2457
- homebrewing: 1763
- homelab: 4215
- homemade projector screen: 344
- homemade: 1280
- homonym: 3608
- hongkong: 2507
- hook: 1367
- hops: 125
- horizontal list: 1819
- horror: 3053
- hospice: 2074
- hospital information system: 2093
- hospital: 2093
- host zen: 3462
- host: 200
- hostgator.com: 827
- hosting providers: 1969
- hosting services: 1457
- hosting: 684, 715, 1206
- hosts file: 465
- hosts: 1700, 2905, 2972
- hot pluggable: 255
- hotp: 3784
- hotpluggable: 255
- house: 3134, 4076
- how holland works: 1830, 3189
- how i found linux: 460
- how i got over my social awkwardness: 1296
- how to buy guns as a minor in nl: 3479
- how to make friends: 4289
- how to: 39, 558, 2323, 2735
- how-to: 2939, 4142
- howto: 25, 55, 92, 701, 1359, 1450, 1460, 1672, 1818, 1989, 2550, 2672
- hp ink: 226
- hp printers: 226
- hp stream: 2984, 3517
- hp: 3282, 4148
- hpc: 567
- hpodder: 663
- hpr audiobook club: 2434, 2509, 3053, 3104
- hpr audiobookclub: 688, 775, 880, 978, 1506, 1554, 1578, 1588, 1762, 1933, 1943, 2462
- hpr history: 580
- hpr hosts: 4251
- hpr live: 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414
- hpr mumble: 3503
- hpr new year show 2017: 2497, 2515, 2525, 2535, 2545, 2555, 2565
- hpr new years show: 2835, 2840, 2845, 2849, 2855, 2859
- hpr news: 3743
- hpr nye: 2830
- hpr project principles: 4284
- hpr rpg club: 3233
- hpr scheduling: 3616
- hpr1771: 2881
- hpr3577: 3619
- hpr: 1, 300, 629, 657, 682, 715, 1000, 1024, 1276, 1371, 1509, 1726, 1818, 1877, 2008, 2195, 2245, 2255, 2260, 2270, 2367, 2537, 2700, 2805, 2829, 2905, 2939, 2972, 3146, 3207, 3239, 3254, 3336, 3342, 3346, 3348, 3352, 3356, 3361, 3366, 3372, 3409, 3461, 3549, 3556, 3659, 3662, 3667, 3672, 3677, 3682, 3687, 3783, 3795, 3797, 3804, 3814, 3824, 3834, 3844, 3854, 3864, 3874, 3876, 3884, 3983, 4109, 4116, 4129, 4133, 4154, 4174, 4193, 4195
- hpr_audiobookclub: 2412
- hprnys: 2993
- hspec: 2948
- hsv components modes: 3540
- html mail: 2289
- html5 video markup: 403
- html5: 1393
- html::template: 1203
- html: 453, 498, 645, 1370, 1512, 1538, 1657, 1732, 1909, 2246, 2904, 3214, 3296, 3362, 3437
- htop: 3605
- http: 1244, 2779
- https everywhere: 1728
- httrack: 436, 4293
- huawei mate: 1401
- hubot chat bot: 2048
- hubs: 357
- hugging face: 3953
- hugh hefner: 2475
- hugo: 3549
- human physiology: 4027
- humans: 3747
- humbug: 1894
- hummingbird robotics kit: 1574
- humor: 175
- humour: 2408
- hunger: 4288
- hunky punk: 2567
- hybernation: 189
- hydra: 1016
- hydraulic jack mod: 2452
- hydrogen: 1587, 3236, 3711
- hygiene: 3048
- hyperkin pixel art controller: 1658
- hyperscaler secrets: 3498
- hypervisor: 12, 777, 1289, 3777
- hyperx: 3791
Tags beginning with 'i'
- i2c: 967
- i3 window manager: 3389
- i3: 3133
- i3wm: 3735
- iana: 3323
- iaru: 4213
- ibm as/400: 1252
- ibm mainframe: 609
- ibm portable pc: 1381
- ibm ps/2: 766
- ibm: 2706, 3238, 3429, 3498
- icalendar: 1286
- icann: 3323
- icecast: 601, 845, 1166, 1207, 1277, 1400
- icepack linux: 1972
- ices-cc: 1207
- ices: 1207
- iceweasel: 257, 434
- icewm: 245
- icl: 1811
- icmp: 398
- icons: 345
- icq: 4258
- icsp: 2660
- ide: 174
- idea: 192
- ideas: 205, 3541
- identi.ca: 358, 998
- identity theft: 3868
- identity: 3756
- ides: 3561
- idiom: 2237
- idjc: 845
- if: 2649
- ikeahacks: 4295
- ilf 2012: 935
- ilf: 743, 753, 935
- illumos: 1958, 2222, 2725
- im: 2169
- imac: 1841
- image generation: 4067
- image processing: 72
- image watermarking: 4055
- image: 11, 3564
- imagemagick: 72, 1822, 2730, 4184
- images: 169, 1822, 1906, 3095, 3125, 3140, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3190, 3210, 3230, 3250, 3260, 4217
- imap: 203, 1027, 1571, 3060
- impress: 1745, 1755, 1795, 1805, 1815, 1825, 1835, 1845, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915
- improv: 3555, 3568
- improve: 1858
- in vitro fertilisation: 1309
- inbox filters: 3972
- inclusive: 3206
- incognito: 178
- income: 3198
- incremental backup: 30
- incron: 2003
- independent art: 2396
- independent living system: 3841
- indexed array: 2709, 2719, 2729
- indiana linuxfest: 743, 753, 935, 981
- indie: 1428
- inefficiency: 709
- inetd: 3734
- infectious disease: 3185
- inferential: 1615
- infinitime: 3552
- infinitive: 197
- infinity: 3606
- info point project: 848
- infonomicon: 1025, 1874, 3207
- information security for everyone: 2727
- information security: 652, 2886, 4276
- information underground: 2361, 2411, 2431, 2445
- information: 4023
- informative?: 2285
- informix: 745
- infosec: 353, 529, 2754, 2827, 3324, 3334, 3344, 3368, 3387, 3424, 3597, 3719, 3821, 3828, 3906, 3997, 3999
- infrastructure manager: 942
- infrastructure: 2365
- ingress: 1233
- init: 10, 94, 3588
- initrd: 309
- ink pens.: 3933, 3946
- ink: 1941, 3197
- inkjet: 1480
- inner ear: 2109
- innovative software: 745
- inode table: 1530
- inode: 1520, 1540
- input methods: 3302
- insects: 2354
- inside commodore: 2977
- insipid: 635
- insomnia: 3708
- install: 155, 198, 220, 538, 569, 2181, 3448, 3487, 4247
- installation: 55, 129, 158, 167, 170, 191, 195, 204, 2672, 3880
- installer: 3448, 4247
- instapaper: 909
- instructor: 2299
- instrument: 3905, 3931
- insulin: 4105
- insurance marketplace: 2350, 2360, 2375, 2385, 2395, 2470
- insurance: 3198
- integrated circuit: 1971
- integrated transport: 1830
- integration: 182
- integrity: 559, 3909
- intel 286: 2097
- intel 386: 2097
- intel atom: 881
- intel compustick: 2279, 2300
- intel me: 2454
- intel pentium 4: 875
- intel: 31, 881, 2903
- intellectual property: 271, 537, 551
- intelligent cars: 854
- interactive fiction: 2473, 2567
- interdental tooth brush: 1709
- interface zero: 2424, 2429, 2437, 2444, 2455
- intergraph corporation: 2479
- internal commands: 3450
- international system of units: 3454
- internet dj console: 845
- internet explorer: 3561
- internet of things: 4099
- internet protocol (ip): 394, 398
- internet radio: 1014, 3014, 3938
- internet service: 2911
- internet streaming: 912, 952, 963
- internet video: 2716
- internet: 123, 147, 2365, 2559, 3056, 3214, 3378, 3632, 3801, 3994, 4128
- internetdj: 1303
- internetradio: 3995
- interpreter: 2567, 4296
- interpreting: 988
- interrupts: 3605
- interview: 18, 35, 59, 201, 279, 315, 383, 384, 388, 390, 392, 402, 406, 408, 409, 411, 413, 416, 420, 420, 423, 455, 459, 463, 467, 470, 471, 475, 479, 484, 488, 494, 501, 503, 505, 516, 529, 532, 537, 540, 542, 550, 551, 553, 556, 576, 579, 583, 588, 620, 689, 697, 699, 711, 713, 715, 735, 742, 760, 765, 767, 883, 906, 919, 1011, 1018, 1054, 1074, 1076, 1077, 1084, 1087, 1116, 1134, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1283, 1399, 1403, 1408, 1423, 1428, 1446, 1451, 1542, 1622, 1689, 1820, 1823, 1912, 1918, 1919, 1937, 1975, 2056, 2093, 2539, 2681, 2691, 3082
- interviews: 24, 298, 300, 349, 353, 532, 537, 540, 542, 550, 551, 553, 556, 720, 1378, 1379, 1447, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1490, 1492, 1608, 1618, 1621, 1628, 2331, 2336, 2341, 2346, 2352, 3271, 3642, 3941
- intracytoplasmic sperm injection: 1309
- intranet: 3295
- intro: 2550, 2841, 3461, 3577, 3701, 4158
- introduction: 5, 16, 25, 96, 186, 201, 1136, 1534, 2171, 2832, 3263, 3314, 3801, 3866, 3907, 4253, 4277
- introductions: 3447, 3653, 3663
- intrusion detection: 331
- invented: 186, 207
- inventions: 2621
- inversion modes: 3520
- investing: 3198
- investment scams: 3957
- investment: 613, 3198
- invidious: 3832
- invitation: 133
- involvement: 983
- inx distro: 499
- inxi: 3932
- iomega: 3224
- ios music apps: 2464
- ios: 739, 800, 3234, 3278
- iot: 3061, 4099, 4311
- ip filter: 398
- ip address: 3052
- ip: 398
- ipa: 4002
- ipad: 1704, 1872, 3278, 4108
- ipchains: 398
- ipfs: 2779
- ipfw: 398
- iphone: 1171, 1257
- ipod mini: 663
- ipod: 226, 1108, 1257
- ipp protocol: 269
- iptables: 398, 465
- iptc: 546
- ipv6: 599
- ir: 3026
- irc quassel-client: 1945
- irc: 19, 344, 461, 1049, 1869, 2169, 3034, 3262, 3949, 4258
- iredmail: 3832
- ireland: 796
- irker: 1069
- iron python: 534
- ironing: 1380
- ironkey: 555
- ironpython: 545
- irs: 2796
- irssi connectbot: 1869
- irssi: 19, 257, 310, 391, 1869
- isdn: 140
- isize: 3681
- iso 8601: 2469
- iso/iec 7498-1: 1216
- iso8601 time duration: 1291
- iso8601: 1952
- iso: 2513
- isp: 161, 2365, 2660, 3244, 3378
- israel: 3229
- it management: 2950
- it security: 3184
- it solutions expo 2014: 1542
- it technician: 929
- it: 783, 1028, 1139, 2272
- italc: 407
- itunes: 177, 1898, 3808
- ivr: 418
Tags beginning with 'j'
- j. s. bach: 1784
- jack audio driver: 755
- jack audio: 1999
- jack: 3236, 3492
- jackaudio: 114
- jaiku: 25
- jailbreaking: 563, 1949
- jails: 3609
- jakob perry: 1214
- jam: 2366
- jamendo: 1051
- janitoring: 3409
- jason fung: 4105
- java applications: 440
- java screw-up: 3258
- java script: 274
- java: 175, 550, 932, 948, 1079, 2607, 2990, 3113, 3744
- javacardpro: 1960
- javaone: 557
- javascript object notation: 4104, 4114, 4227
- javascript: 162, 1234, 1388, 1389, 1847, 2067, 2100, 2787, 3437
- jazz: 670, 712, 2218
- jdbc: 1965
- jedit: 1223
- jekyll: 1394
- jelly: 2366
- jenkins: 1959, 2224
- jeremy allison: 1451
- jericho forum: 528
- jerky: 2239
- jfsa: 1570
- jig saw: 2103
- jingles: 1332
- jit: 539
- jitsi: 1418, 1699, 3056
- job application: 78
- job interview: 78
- job: 641, 2180
- jobs: 3064, 4101
- john h. conway: 1240
- jokes: 66
- jon kulp: 1276
- joomla: 1394
- josephson junction: 3455
- josh clements: 2959
- joshua slocum: 2070
- journal: 1667, 2415
- journaling file system: 1540, 1570
- journaling: 1560
- journalism: 1917
- journalling: 1590
- journey: 2503
- joybubbles: 18
- jq filter: 4114, 4227
- jq language: 4114, 4227
- jq: 4104, 4114, 4227
- jquery: 2683
- json: 913, 948, 2010, 3020, 3228, 3252, 4104, 4114, 4227
- jsonp: 913, 948
- juiced penguin: 2583
- jukebox: 1692
- jungle gym: 1317
- junk mail: 2796
- junk: 1268, 2026
- juno computers: 3502
- just-in-time compiler: 539
- jwst: 3504
- jyutping: 3302
Tags beginning with 'k'
- k-12 computer education: 1614
- kafka: 3639
- kailh: 3791
- kali linux: 1457
- kallithea: 2227
- kansas city: 1589, 1692
- kansas linux fest: 1722, 1742, 1820, 1823, 2382
- kansas: 1300
- karaoke: 3794, 3835
- karate: 3926
- kate: 1840, 2055
- kayak: 2208
- kayaking: 2208
- kde 4: 558
- kde everywhere: 553
- kde plasma: 3735
- kde: 109, 173, 191, 370, 424, 553, 558, 574, 697, 823, 901, 958, 1007, 1698, 1862, 1863, 1958, 2222, 3735
- kdenlive: 519, 1013, 1925, 1950, 2080, 2175, 2303, 2310, 3079, 3731
- kdevelop: 492
- keepass: 1893
- keepassx: 1096
- keepassxc 2.7.8 release: 4123
- keepassxc: 3547, 3877, 3888
- kefir: 3492
- keilbasa: 2258
- kelvin: 1443
- ken starks: 1426
- ken_fallon: 4234
- kentucky: 4288
- kepub: 3737
- keras: 3359
- kerbal space program: 3301
- kernel oops: 1649
- kernel.org: 3668
- kernel: 81, 187, 287, 309, 398, 1721
- kernels: 3419
- key signing: 1461, 1500
- key: 14, 1410, 1461
- keyboard: 798, 2269, 2399, 2784, 3531, 4191
- keyboards: 280, 3094, 3791, 4143
- keycaps: 3791
- keycloak: 3718
- keymapping: 3819
- keyring: 1500
- keys: 1440, 1920
- kgpg: 1410
- kickstarter: 780, 803, 2422
- kid3: 1418
- kid3tag: 755
- kids: 1639, 2802, 3271, 3775
- kill: 1132, 1162
- killall: 1162
- kilo: 3454
- kim-1: 696
- kindle fire: 835
- kindle touch: 1519
- kindle: 490, 1108, 1809, 1829, 1949, 3332, 4207
- kiosk: 1989
- kismet: 86
- kit: 2148, 2407, 2591, 2893
- kitchen: 2018
- kitchener-waterloo: 2242
- kits: 2394, 2514
- kitty: 3861
- klaatu: 2409, 2431, 2445, 3961
- klf: 1722, 1742
- klingon: 2408
- kmag: 4274
- kmttg: 1013
- kmymoney: 3738
- knife: 637, 3152
- knightwise: 1450, 1460, 1726
- knitting: 1960
- knoebels: 1647
- knoppix: 48, 752, 766, 810, 1007
- knots: 1801, 2160
- knuth: 16
- kobo libra h20: 3737
- kobo libra: 3737
- kobo: 1942, 1949, 3737
- kodi formerly xbmc: 1701
- kodi: 1746, 2726, 3011, 3089, 3475, 3579
- kolab: 1699, 1958, 2224
- kopano: 2222
- koreader: 4207
- kotlin: 3894
- kringlecon: 4006
- krita: 307, 958, 1822, 3729, 4157
- ksp: 3301
- kstars: 1366, 1533
- kubernetes: 2934, 2941, 3434, 3619, 3887
- kubernetics: 2961
- kubic: 3539
- kubuntu: 232
- kurt vonnegut: 668
- kusp: 1652
- kvm: 343, 3531, 4191
- kw: 1726
- kwtv live: 834
Tags beginning with 'l'
- l'apéro des papas manchots: 3885
- label: 2881
- laboratory: 3223
- lame: 131
- lamp server: 503
- lamp stack: 2040
- lamp: 17, 1601
- lan tap: 1317
- lan: 275
- lancashire: 1193
- land line: 997
- landfill: 3157, 3408
- language difference: 197
- language evolution: 3525
- language learning: 3164, 3165, 3175, 3300, 3320, 4026
- language-specific documentation: 802
- language: 22, 207, 633, 674, 709, 719, 734, 744, 2576, 3541, 3568
- languages: 138, 1265, 2386, 3493
- laptop backpack: 246, 1543
- laptop keyboard: 2399
- laptop repair: 4173
- laptop reviews: 3766
- laptop: 757, 1299, 1731, 1907, 1923, 1983, 2007, 2022, 2065, 2081, 2092, 2318, 2319, 2467, 2518, 2562, 2595, 3374, 3521, 3536, 3592, 3769, 4049, 4065, 4107, 4108, 4173
- laptops: 1966, 2026, 2842, 3859, 4031, 4045
- large language models: 4064
- las cruces: 3830, 3850
- laserwriter: 700
- lastpass: 1810, 1893, 1940, 3155, 398