hpr3926 :: Karate Do: An Overview
Hipernike talks about Karate, its meaning and some of the things he has learnt
Hosted by Hipernike on Monday, 2023-08-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
karate, martial arts, sports.
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Duration: 00:45:06
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Sorry for my English, I'm still improving it, and specially for confusing kicks with hand strikes.
- Gichin
Funakoshi: The father of modern karate and the founder of Shotokan
- Book Karate-Do Kyohan
- Nijū kun: His 20 precepts
- In Karate your main enemy is yourself
- Three pillars of Karate:
- Kata: Series of movements that symbolize a combat
- In Shotokan Style, there are 27 kata practiced
- Kihon: Practice of the basic techniques
- Kumite: Combat
- Dashi (Stances)
- Dōjō kun: Training hall rules
- Karate belt order
- Sensei: "One who comes before"
- Four main Karate styles
- Goju-ryu, Shotokan-ryu, Wado-ryu, and Shito-ryu
- Taikyoku Shodan
- Kanku Dai
- Bassai Dai
- Tekki Shodan performed by Gichin Funakoshi
- The Last Samurai: No mind scene
- The outcome of a battle depends on how one handles emptiness and fullness (Gichin Funakoshi, Nijū kun)
- Defense techniques
- Age uke
- Soto uke
- Uchi uke
- Shuto uke
- Attack techniques
- Empi uchi
- Uraken uchi
- Shuto uchi
- Kentsui uchi (hammer strike with your fist)