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hpr4264 :: Mintcast, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Sgoti talks about mintCast episode 450 Crumbling Foundations.

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Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on Thursday, 2024-12-05 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Thunderbird, email, mintcast. 3.

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Duration: 00:30:33
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Mintcast, high crimes and misdemeanors.

Sgoti talks about mintCast episode 450 Crumbling Foundations.

  • tags: Thunderbird, email, mintcast

  • Source: mintcast: About mintCast.

    • mintCast is "The podcast by the Linux Mint community for all users of Linux." As a community-driven podcast, we like to have as much involvement from special guests as possible.
  • Supporting source: mintcast: Episode 450 Show Notes.

      1. Keep your mailbox and device(s) secure and clean. Take extra steps to keep your mailbox tidy and secure. Compromised mailbox can authorize access to your accounts on other websites, social media, etc. SECURE and TIDY are the keywords here.
  • Supporting source: archive: 450 - Crumbling Foundations.

  • Source: mozilla: Thunderbird Support.

  • Supporting source: mozilla: Organize Your Messages by Using Filters.

  • Supporting source: mozilla: ...force Thunderbird to sync ALL IMAP folders...

  • Supporting source: mozilla: Where Thunderbird stores your messages...

  • Source: wikipedia: High crimes and misdemeanors


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-12-06 13:47:05 by Henrik Hemrin


I liked this show because

- I also listen to MintCast
- I also use Thunderbird
- It gave me some tips and thoughts for how I can use Thunderbird even better than I currently do.

Regarding my inbox, when an e-mail thread is handled and if I want to keep it, my current strategy is similar to other documents: I move them to a local Thunderbird map away from the e-mail cloud.

Comment #2 posted on 2024-12-07 17:24:25 by Majid

Mintcast and Thunderbird

Hey mate, its Majid from Mintcast here. I enjoyed your episode on High crimes and misdemeanours about Mintcast and Thunderbird. I was a regular user of thunderbird until my organisation moved to exchange web servers. When i used it i loved it, maybe time to revisit it and follow your guides. Many thanks!

Comment #3 posted on 2024-12-14 15:42:59 by Dave Morriss

Thunderbird and email management


I enjoyed the show, and hearing about the way you manage email.

I have been using Thunderbird since the 2000's when the university I worked for installed central IMAP servers. I kept using it when we started using MS Exchange. I think from the earliest time Thunderbird had a mechanism for deleting messages based on their age or the number in a folder.

I filter all my email arriving from several mail services into a number of inboxes into a hierarchy of folders. For each folder with transient messages I right click on it, and select the 'Retention Policy' tab. There I either set a date-related deletion policy or a count-based one. I always enable "Always keep starred messages".

This seems to be a good way to handle message deletion - for my needs anyway. Some of my filters add stars to messages (as well as sometimes tagging them) before saving them in folders with deletion rules, because I really want to keep them for a long time, while I don't care about others in that folder.

Maybe I should do a show about my 30+ years of email experiences at some point!


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