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hpr4258 :: Introduction and History of Using Computers

Introducing myself to the HPR community and going through my timeline of computer usage.

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Thumbnail of SolusSpider
Hosted by SolusSpider on Wednesday, 2024-11-27 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Oric, Dragon, Atari, Acorn, Amstrad, Enterprise, Amiga, Windows, Linux, Food Bank, IRC, Newsgroups, ICQ, TuxJam. 6.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:23
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Hosts mentioned:
Archer72 - Mark Rice
TheLoveBug - Dave Lee
Lochyboy - Alexander

Computers mentioned:
Oric-1, Oric Atmos, Dragon 32, Atari 800XL, Atari 400, Acorn Electron, Amstrad PCW8256, Amstrad PCW8512, Enterprise 128, AST PC, GateWay PC, System76 Thelio PC, Razer 15 Laptop

The easiest ways for people to contact me via Telegram or Mastodon.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-11-18 07:55:51 by Dave Lee (thelovebug)

Welcome to the HPR family

Hey Peter,

So good to hear you on Hacker Public Radio, I hope this is the start of many shows from you, given how close you are to other podcasting communities.

I've heard bits of this story in various forms over the years, but it was incredibly interesting to hear the whole story from the start. Thanks for sharing!

I wonder if you'll stay true to form and go back to episode one of HPR (or even Today With A Techie - 300 episodes that immediately preceded HPR?) and work your way forward? 😀

Looking forward to the next one!

Comment #2 posted on 2024-11-19 12:28:40 by present_arms

This Podcast hpr4258 :: Introduction and History of Using Computers

I love this podcast with my friend Peter. I've learned a lot.

Comment #3 posted on 2024-11-27 11:30:38 by archer72

Welcome to HPR

Hi Peter,

This was a great first show, done with just a mobile recording and upload, and the sound quality is very good. Nothing done in Post, so Thaj would be proud. :)

I look forward to hearing about God's Pantry Food Bank and how it all was started.

Archer72 (Mark)

Comment #4 posted on 2024-11-29 21:10:21 by Henrik Hemrin

Welcome as HPR host!


Welcome as host on Hacker Public Radio!

You mentioned ICQ in this episode. I also used ICQ back in the days. I think they can be seen as one important forerunner to where we are today with chat softwares.

Comment #5 posted on 2024-12-02 04:37:29 by Spartan Minter

Linux Mint

Thanks Peter for sharing, and also for letting me join the Linux Mint Facebook group you founded. I've learned many things from the community ☺️

Comment #6 posted on 2024-12-03 12:50:09 by ClaudioM

Hey Solusspider! Great First Episode!

Hey Peter! Great to hear you on your first episode of HPR and putting a voice to the name! Enjoyed hearing your personal computer and Linux journey history. Hope to hear more episode from you in the future!

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