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hpr4132 :: Urandom talks about the future of HPR

The Urandom lads talk in circles for about an hour about HPR

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Thumbnail of Thaj Sara
Hosted by Thaj Sara on Tuesday, 2024-06-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Hacker Public Radio. 4.

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Duration: 00:42:35
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The Urandom lads talk in circles for about an hour about HPR.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-06-04 19:46:21 by kdmurray

Great Conversation

To some degree I the discussion has gotten away from the point: have an active place to engage with HPR.

Over the past month or so (since this conversation started) is we had 3-4 podcasts mention the Matrix room. I hadn't even heard it existed before that -- I don't read the footer, apparently.

Given that the matrix channel has > 80 people in it already, let's put some more focus there and use it more! :)

Comment #2 posted on 2024-06-05 09:26:10 by Henrik Hemrin

Re: Great Conversation.

I am member of a couple of Matrix rooms, incl HPR. Matrix is a good place for talking.

I think the direction is that a person first knows about HPR and then join HPR Matrix room.

But my interpretation of the idea to use Discord is the opposite direction: Persons not knowing about HPR should learn and get interested in HPR thanks to learning about it on Discord. I have never, to my knowledge, used Discord. So I do not know how Discord works or if the idea makes sense, but this is my understanding of the Discord suggestion.

Comment #3 posted on 2024-06-08 06:25:37 by kdmurray

Re: Re: Great Conversation.

Having used Discord a fair bit, I don't know how well it would work as a discovery tool. Much like matrix you need to join or be invited to a Discord instance to have discussions there.

It serves the same purpose as Matrix, IRC, and to some degree these comments.

Discoverability will be easier with platforms like Mastadon, Twitter, Facebook (yuck) and maybe YouTube where people find things via algorithms and discovery features rather than having to know that something exists in the first place.

That said, if we want to "market" the show, the best thing anyone can do is actually recommend it to someone. If everyone who hears Ken (or Dave) read this comment on the June Community News were to *really* recommend HPR to one other person, that would go a very long way to providing some new ears and new voices.

Comment #4 posted on 2024-11-18 09:07:06 by SolusSpider - Peter Paterson

Comment on Urandom talks about the future of HPR

While visiting Archer72 / Mark Rice today in his Rehab Hospital room we were talking about HPR, and he got excited to see this in the future feed:
> hpr4256 - Birds of a Feather Talk at OLF 2024 by Thaj Sara
I knew Mark wanted to be at OLF, but could not make it due to his car accident and care. It's also the same reason that he and I got together in person despite living 30 miles apart and chatting on Mastodon for over a year.
Mark asked me if I knew Thaj and the Urandom podcast, to which I responded that I did not.
So, tonight I checked Thaj's name link on HPR and found this discussion show. An excellent way to connect the Urandom and HPR dots for me.
My route to HPR was through personal contact with podcasters such as TheLovebug (Bugcast / TuxJam) and Kevie & Mcnalu (TuxJam), as well as Geospart from Tech & Coffee. Kevie's teenage son Lochyboy played a large part too. What connects these contacts together is Telegram and also Mastodon.
It was this group that encouraged me to record and upload my own introduction:
> hpr4258 Introduction and History of Using Computers by SolusSpider
Currently my HPR discussions have mostly been on Telegram, especially joining the group there, and via Mastodon with the #HPR tag.
Maybe I should join the Mailing List?
Not a fan of following a Podcast on YouTube - I mostly do that for church services, nor of Discord which I am really not fond of and dropped a while back.
What I see keeping this loose community together is the central website and personal contacts.
Thanks for the history and insight to what HPR means to you Urandom guys. BTW, I did laugh that you have a Facebook page, which I did join. Talk about being in the popular media! *grin*.
I am hoping to record more shows, but that comes from good friends personal peer pressure.
BTW: Maybe next year Mark & I shall attend OLF. For me the last time was 9 years ago in 2015.

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