hpr4261 :: HPR Community News for November 2024
HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in November 2024
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2024-12-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News.
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HPR Community News.
A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.
New hosts
Welcome to our new host:
Last Month's Shows
Comments this month
These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 61 comments in total.
Past shows
There are 21 comments on 17 previous shows:
- hpr0870
(2011-12-02) "Computer Memories"
by Deltaray.
- Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-29: "Commonality on Deltaray's computer experiences"
- hpr1322
(2013-08-27) "Kevin O'Brien - Ohio LinuxFest 2013"
by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-26: "Attended OLF2013"
- hpr1642
(2014-11-18) "Frist Time at Oggcamp"
by Al.
- Comment 2: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-27: "Al at Oggcamp - 10 years later"
- hpr1890
(2015-10-30) "A short walk with my son"
by thelovebug.
- Comment 4: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-11: "Comment on A short walk with my son"
- hpr2503
(2018-03-07) "My journey into podcasting"
by thelovebug.
- Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-18: "Comment on TheLoveBug journey into podcasting."
- hpr2673
(2018-10-31) "Urandom - Ohio Linux Fest 2-18 Podcaster Roundtable"
by Thaj Sara.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-26: "Wonderful OLF Podcasters Banter"
- hpr3315
(2021-04-16) "tesseract optical character recognition"
by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 2: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-28: "Tessaract OCR User"
- Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-29: "Spelling of tesseract"
- hpr3998
(2023-11-29) "Using open source OCR to digitize my mom's book"
by Deltaray.
- Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-29: "Experience with Tesseract OCR software"
- hpr4106
(2024-04-29) "My tribute to feeds"
by Henrik Hemrin.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-27: "New(ish) to Feeds"
- Comment 2: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Thanks for feedback"
- hpr4129
(2024-05-30) "How I found Hacker Public Radio"
by Henrik Hemrin.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-27: "My own story of finding HPR"
- hpr4132
(2024-06-04) "Urandom talks about the future of HPR"
by Thaj Sara.
- Comment 4: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-18: "Comment on Urandom talks about the future of HPR"
- hpr4195
(2024-08-30) "Hacking HPR Hosts"
by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 2: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-29: "Another comment for Ken - he hacked this host"
- hpr4200
(2024-09-06) "Intro to Doctor Who"
by Ahuka.
- Comment 5: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-09: "Comment on Introduction To Doctor Who"
- hpr4220
(2024-10-04) "How Doctor Who Began"
by Ahuka.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-11: "Comment on How Doctor Who Began"
- hpr4233
(2024-10-23) "OggCamp 2024 Day 1"
by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 1: @geospart on 2024-11-09: "Nice"
- hpr4236
(2024-10-28) "History of Nintendo"
by Lochyboy.
- Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-10: "Comment on History of Nintendo"
- Comment 4: John Curwood - blindape on 2024-11-20: "Virtual Boy"
- hpr4238
(2024-10-30) "Snaps are better than flatpaks"
by Some Guy On The Internet.
- Comment 2: Elliot B on 2024-11-01: "Snaps are the least worst"
- Comment 3: mpardo on 2024-11-02: "Snaps are indeed better that Flatpaks"
This month's shows
There are 40 comments on 16 of this month's shows:
- hpr4240 (2024-11-01) "The First Doctor, Part 1" by Ahuka.
- Comment 1: Kevie on 2024-10-31: "Keep them coming"
- Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2024-11-02: "More to come"
- Comment 3: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-07: "Daleks"
- hpr4241 (2024-11-04) "HPR Community News for October 2024" by HPR Volunteers.
- Comment 1: ClaudioM on 2024-11-04: "Commentary on Ep. 4231 (Tmux+dd+FreeBSD)"
- Comment 2: Torin Doyle on 2024-11-10: "Hunting, Buzzing"
- Comment 3: Dave Morriss on 2024-11-14: "Buzzing?"
- Comment 4: Dave Lee (thelovebug) on 2024-11-16: "Dave's buzzing"
- Comment 5: Torin Doyle on 2024-11-18: "Re: Buzzing (more like a hum) in the audio for Dave Morriss."
- Comment 6: Dave Morriss on 2024-11-18: "The buzzing of the brain"
- hpr4244 (2024-11-07) "Two methods of digitizing photos." by Henrik Hemrin.
- Comment 1: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-07: "Clarification equipment for repro photo"
- Comment 2: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-07: "What hardware are you using"
- Comment 3: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-07: "Response to Ken"
- Comment 4: Charles in NJ on 2024-11-08: "Missed this show because feed is broken"
- Comment 5: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-08: "Bug Report"
- Comment 6: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-09: "Please send me your version of bashpodder"
- hpr4245 (2024-11-08) "What's in my bag?" by Trey.
- Comment 1: men Fallon on 2024-11-07: "Backdoors and breaches"
- hpr4246 (2024-11-11) "Bytes, Pages and Screens" by Lee.
- Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-07: "Terry Pratchett"
- Comment 2: Torin Doyle on 2024-11-18: "Podcasts, Books, TV"
- hpr4248 (2024-11-13) "Millie Perkins" by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 1: Kevie on 2024-11-13: "A fantastic Oggcamp Talk"
- hpr4249 (2024-11-14) "Audio Streams on the Command Line" by Kevie.
- Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-07: "Great Tips"
- Comment 2: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-14: "Comment on Audio Streams on the Command Line"
- Comment 3: Jan on 2024-11-14: "Just Thanks"
- Comment 4: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Command Line"
- hpr4251 (2024-11-18) "Dave and MrX turn over a new leaf" by Dave Morriss.
- hpr4252 (2024-11-19) "Privacy is not hiding" by Some Guy On The Internet.
- Comment 1: Tim J on 2024-11-20: "Big Tech is Watching You"
- hpr4253 (2024-11-20) "A brief introduction of myself" by Kinghezy.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-20: "Comment on kinghezy's introduction show hpr4253"
- hpr4256 (2024-11-25) "Birds of a Feather Talk at OLF 2024" by Thaj Sara.
- Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-21: "Suspense"
- Comment 2: Thaj on 2024-11-25: "Resolution"
- Comment 3: Windigo on 2024-11-26: "Future shows"
- Comment 4: Torin Doyle on 2024-11-30: "OLF?"
- hpr4257 (2024-11-26) "Movie review: The Artifice Girl" by Kevie.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-26: "Also watched The Atifice Girl"
- hpr4258 (2024-11-27) "Introduction and History of Using Computers" by SolusSpider.
- Comment 1: Dave Lee (thelovebug) on 2024-11-18: "Welcome to the HPR family"
- Comment 2: present_arms on 2024-11-19: "This Podcast hpr4258 :: Introduction and History of Using Computers"
- Comment 3: archer72 on 2024-11-27: "Welcome to HPR"
- Comment 4: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Welcome as HPR host!"
- hpr4259 (2024-11-28) "Why digitize photos" by Henrik Hemrin.
- Comment 1: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-28: "The thoughts behind digitizing photos"
- Comment 2: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Thanks for your comment"
- hpr4272 (2024-12-17) "Embed Mastodon Threads" by hairylarry.
- Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-28: "Wayne Myers ?? Where did I hear that name before ?"
- hpr4320 (2025-02-21) "Switching my Mastodon account" by Ahuka.
- Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-25: "Target Audience of 1"
Mailing List discussions
Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.
The threaded discussions this month can be found here:
https://lists.hackerpublicradio.com/pipermail/hpr/2024-November/thread.htmlEvents Calendar
With the kind permission of LWN.net we are linking to The LWN.net Community Calendar.
Quoting the site:
This is the LWN.net community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.
Any other business
It's been another hectic month here at HPR Towers.
As we discussed on the mailing list most of the time was taken by the migration to Mastodon, and the implementation of the mirrors on the Community Content Delivery Network. Some daily stats are been updated on https://hub.hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_ccdn_stats.tsv
Summary of the changes to the repo https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR
Dave updated his tooling for processing shows and they are now available on the Gitea repo.
We finally got around to creating the HPR Documentation wiki.
- Community Content Delivery Network (CCDN) A location to track the deployment of the HPR Community Content Delivery Network, that provides a mirror network for our content.
- HPR Website Design This is literally in the whiteboard phase of the HPR website redesign. Where we can track Compatibility of the clients subscribed to our feeds.
- Useful Resources Where we can link to other free culture sites that provide useful services.
- Requested Topics Where we can track topics that have been requested, and link to shows that addressed them.
There is also a list with information about Podcatcher and Podcasting Platform Compatibility. If anyone wants to adopt a player then please do so.
The section on Workflow will be changing shortly due to Dave stepping aside, and also the need to distribute to multiple end points. All the processing will happen first, and then all the checks will be done at the same stage just prior to posting. For this to work we need help finding a simple manageable WYSIWYG editor that can produce sane HTML when the host uploads the show. We also need a new system to distribute the files from an origin to all the mirrors.
Other changes and fixes.
- The day of the week is now available on the website.
- Fixed the RSS feed to show explicit status.
- Fixed a bug that limited the future feed to just 10 shows.
- Fixed a typo in the status page.
- Following feedback, added emphasis about the upcoming two weeks, to the scheduling guidelines.
- Notable shout out to the people who are promoting HPR and are helping people out with audio issues.