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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes every weekday Monday through Friday.
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RSS Syndication

Subscribe to our Feeds

Great that you want to listen. Have a look below at the feeds that best suite your listening habits.

rss logo The Community News Summary

One show a month

If you get overwhelmend by the amount of shows we produce, then this is a good place to start.

Every month, the HPR Janitors put down their mops had have a chat about all the shows, and what else has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

  • ogg Larger file size higher quality feed.
  • mp3 Larger file size regular quality feed in a common format.
  • spx Small file size lower quality feed.
    Ideal for dial-up/mobile connections.

We also maintain an page where you can get the shows in even more formats.

rss logo Two week Audio feed

5 shows a week

Use these feeds to keep up to date with the latest HPR Episodes.

  • ogg Larger file size higher quality feed.
  • mp3 Larger file size regular quality feed in a common format.
  • spx Small file size lower quality feed.
    Ideal for dial-up/mobile connections.

We also maintain an page where you can get the shows in even more formats. For more recent shows we are now including the original upload as delivered.

rss logo Entire Archive Audio feed

Use this feed to get the archived episodes. The feed themselves run over 15Mb in size and so use them to download the archived episodes and when you are up to date switch back to the Two Week Feeds listed above.

rss logo Future feed

Use this feed to get the shows as they are posted. The shows will be posted out of order as they come in and may be replaced/reposted if errors are found. This is intended as a means to provide find issues with metadata or the audio quality of new shows before they hit the main feed.

Other Download Options

Download Archive

Please be aware that our Archive exceeds 62Gb (Ogg: 21Gb, Spx: 16Gb, mp3: 25Gb). We are happy for you to download them, but please make sure that you are not going to incur additional bandwidth charges on your side.

We will be happy to post you DVD's of the episodes anywhere in the world if bandwidth is an issue.

Full Episode Guide

The compete episode guide is available to you, and it lists all the shows on one page going right back to the very first episode.

Command line download

You can download the audio of the episodes directly from the command line using the following commands:

  • ogg:
    curl './eps/hpr[0001-].ogg' -o "hpr#1.ogg"
  • spx:
    curl './eps/hpr[0001-].spx' -o "hpr#1.spx"
  • mp3:
    curl './eps/hpr[0001-].mp3' -o "hpr#1.mp3"