hpr3843 :: LinuxLUGCast pre-show ramblings
Lugcast participants ramble about things before the podcast
Hosted by Honkeymagoo on Wednesday, 2023-04-26 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
linux, movies, TV, LUG.
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Duration: 01:12:28
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I first want to apologize for my crappy show notes.
That out of the way. Welcome to LinuxLUGCast episode 217 the pre-show. Normally this gets tacked on to the end of the regular podcast, but Ken put out a call for shows and we figured this was the easiest way to get a show out. I was going to try to meet up with these same people on Mumble and talk about something technical for HPR, but let's be honest the conversation would probably still have turned into TV and movies, and we were already together and recording. Plus hopefully I can use this to convince other people to come and join the Lugcast. We record every first and third Friday of the month using mumble. Check out linuxlugcast.com for all the details.