Part C (left front leg), one 30cm piece of unfinished fir, with a sort of fan-shaped piece attached with 2 screws, is duly replaced. The customer has been served. The prize is a wobbly chair and, in a few months time, some firewood. What we learned? I'll build my own chair next time.
Comment #1 posted on 2022-06-08 20:44:54 by Windigo
Adirondack chairs
Funny enough, I grew up at the South end of the Adirondack mountains in New York. I helped do some IT work for our County's health facility / retirement home, which had been a tuberculosis hospital previously. I had no idea the chairs were associated with tuberculosis treatment!
It's bizarre that shipping wooden chairs half way around the world makes more economic sense than building them locally, but I commend you for trying to prevent extra waste.
Yeah, it has to be that somehow it makes economic sense to them, but perhaps only if you don't account for that borne by future generations, and underpaid Vietnamese workers! Honestly, if they had mentioned the option would involve an around-the-world shipment, I would have tried to either repair it or make a replacement part myself. But how naive of me to think this was gonna play out any different. Thanks for listening and commenting!
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