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hpr2777 :: The quest for the perfect laptop.

Knightwise is out looking for a new laptop and describes what he is looking for and why.

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Thumbnail of knightwise
Hosted by knightwise on Tuesday, 2019-03-26 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
computer, hardware, geek, buy. 1.

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Duration: 00:31:07


Looking for a new laptop.


  • HP Envy x360
  • Lenovo X280
  • Lenovo X380
  • Lenovo X380 Yoga
  • Lenovo X1
  • Lenovo X1 Yoga


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-03-29 00:41:09 by Beeza

Computer Requirements Specification

Hi Knightwise

Whenever we are in the market for a new computer I think we inevitably want to get as close to the latest technology as our budget will afford. However, I think that can lead to a subconscious over-specification of our requirements as a way of justifying the purchase.

A few years ago I had selected a very nice Sony laptop that I convinced myself was exactly what I needed to support my work. Unfortunately an unforeseen breakdown of my car meant I had to spend roughly half of my budget to get it fixed and back on the road.

I still needed a new laptop but the Sony was now out of the question. I revisited my requirements and realised that many of my "must haves" were really "would like to haves". If it took a minute or two longer to rip a DVD did it really matter? If it took an extra few seconds to open a very large image-laden document was that really the end of the world?

By adopting this approach I found I was able to purchase a Dell rather than a Sony with what was left of my budget and its few relative shortcomings were almost immediately forgotten.

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