hpr2737 :: My Pioneer RT-707 Reel-to-Reel Tape Deck
An intro to more of my legacy audio equipment.
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Tuesday, 2019-01-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
audio, vintage audio, stereo components, audio tape, recording.
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Duration: 00:23:01
I've had this Pioneer RT-707 reel-to-reel tape deck for something like 10 years, but only recently started using it with enthusiasm. In this episode I talk about the tape deck, about the technology, and about my memories of using this kind of audio tape as a kid. I demonstrate playback of one of my parents' mix tapes, and I also used this machine to record the last few minutes of the podcast onto a reel to reel tape, which of course I then had to transfer back to digital before submitting the show.
Click image below to see a photo album relating to the tape deck.
Tape deck in action (video)