hpr1094 :: Linux, Beer, and Who Cares?
A recording of an impromptu podcast session
Hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.) on Thursday, 2012-10-11 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast, audiocast.
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Duration: 00:50:05
By BuyerBrown, RedDwarf, and FiftyOneFifty
This is a recording of an impromptu bull session that came about one night after BuyerBrown, RedDwarf, and I had been waiting around on Mumble for another host to join in. After giving up on recording our scheduled podcast, we stayed up for about an hour talking and drinking when Buyer suddenly asked Red and I to find current events articles concerning Linux. When that task was completed, Buyer announced he was launching a live audiocast over Mixlr.com with us as his guests. You are about to hear the result. Topics range from the prospects of Linux taking over the small business server market, now that Microsoft has retreated from the field, Android tablets and the future of the desktop in general, and the (at the time) revelation that Steam would be coming to Linux (on the last point, let me be the first to say that I am glad some of the concerns in my rant appear to be unfounded, apparently after a lot of work, Left for Dead 2 runs faster under Linux than it does under Windows with equivalent hardware. This podcast was recorded on a whim but I can't promise it won't happen again.