hpr4117 :: JAMBOREE !
Java Android Magisk Burp Objection Root Emulator Easy (JAMBOREE)
Hosted by operat0r on Tuesday, 2024-05-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
android, powershell, windows, pentesting, AI, llm.
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Duration: 00:18:46
Java Android Magisk Burp Objection Root Emulator Easy
Get a working portable Python/Git/Java environment on Windows in SECONDS
without having local administrator, regardless of your broken Python or
other environment variables. Our open-source script downloads directly
from proper sources without any binaries. While the code may not be
perfect, it includes many useful PowerShell tricks.
Run Android apps and pentest without the adware and malware of BlueStacks or NOX.
Features / Request
Core Status
RMS:Runtime Mobile Security ✔️
Brida, Burp to Frida bridge ❌
SaftyNet+ Bypass ❌
Burp Suite Pro / CloudFlare UserAgent Workaround-ish ✔️
ZAP Using Burp ✔️
Google Play ✔️
Java ✔️
Android 11 API 30 ✔️
Magisk ✔️
Burp ✔️
Objection ✔️
Root ✔️
Python ✔️
Frida ✔️
Certs ✔️
AutoGPT ✔️
Bloodhound ✔️
PyCharm ✔️
OracleLinux WSL ✔️
Ubuntu/Olamma WSL ✔️
Postgres No admin ✔️
SillyTavern ✔️
Volatility 3 ✔️
Arduino IDE / Duck2Spark ✔️
Youtube Downloader Yt-dlp ✔️
How it works:
Temporarily resets your windows $PATH environment variable to fix any
issues with existing python/java installation
Build a working Python environment in seconds using a tiny 16 meg
nuget.org Python binary and portable PortableGit. Our solution doesn't
require a package manager like Anaconda. I would like to make it even
easier to use but I don't want to spend more time developing it if
nobody is going to use it! Please let me know if you like it and open
bugs/suggestions/feature request etc! You can contact me at https://rmccurdy.com !
Installation/Requirements ( For Android AVD Emulator) :
Local admin just to install Android AVD Driver:
HAXM Intel driver ( https://github.com/intel/haxm )
AMD ( https://github.com/google/android-emulator-hypervisor-driver-for-amd-processors )
Put ps1 file in a folder
Rightclick Run with PowerShell
From command prompt
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[scriptblock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freeload101/Java-Android-Magisk-Burp-Objection-Root-Emulator-Easy/main/JAMBOREE.ps1").Content).Invoke();" More infomation on bypass Root Detection and SafeNet https://www.droidwin.com/how-to-hide-root-from-apps-via-magisk-denylist/
( Watch the Video Tutorial below it's a 3-5 min process. You only have to setup once. After that it's start burp then start AVD )
Burp/Android Emulator (Video Tutorial )
Update Video with 7minsec Podcast!
(Video Tutorial)
USB Rubber Ducky Scripts & Payloads Python 3 Arduino DigiSpark
Old payloads: https://github.com/hak5/usbrubberducky-payloads/tree/1d3e9be7ba3f80cdb008885fac49be2ba926649d/payloads
PhreakNIC 24: Java Android Magisk Burp Objection Root Emulator Easy (JAMBOREE)