hpr3839 :: Rip a CD in the terminal
Archer72 rips CD's in the terminal and avoids the whims of the media companies
Hosted by Archer72 on Thursday, 2023-04-20 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
optical media, terminal apps, lightweight apps, rip cd.
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Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:05:00
Lightweight Apps.
Reviews of light weight applications
Custom abcde configuration file
For only ogg,mp3,flac and opus
freedb.freedb.org is dead; use gnudb.gnudb.org instead
Updated CDDB location in .abcde.conf
Alias in BASH
alias ripcd.mp3='abcde -o mp3'
alias ripcd.opus='abcde -o opus'
alias ripcd.ogg='abcde -o ogg'
alias ripcd.opus='abcde -o opus'
More Info
abcde -o 'flac:-8,mp3:-b 320' -G