hpr3555 :: PopKorn Episode 1: The Fallacy of the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the ETC
BlacKernel tries talking off the cuff with mixed results
Hosted by BlacKernel on Friday, 2022-03-18 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
improv, math, popkorn, fallacy.
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Duration: 00:16:09
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Talking Points
- The concept of PopKorn
- The statement of "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences"
- The Fine-structure Constant
- The Axiom of Extentionality
- Why proofs of God are crap
- The "First Mover" argument of St. Thomas Aquinus
- The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins
Show Notes
Important Links:
Wikipedia Articles:
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
- Fine-structure Constant
- Axiom of Extentionality
- "First Mover" or Cosmological Argument
- Watchmaker Analogy
- The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins
Contact Me
- Email: izzyleibowitz at pm dot me
- Mastodon: at blackernel at nixnet dot social