hpr3489 :: Equality of structured errors
Tuula talks about equality in Haskell
Hosted by Tuula on Thursday, 2021-12-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
haskell, eq.
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Duration: 00:12:56
A series looking into the Haskell (programming language)
Equality of structured errors
In previous episode, I built a system where error codes weren't defined in one huge type. This made compilation times faster and maintenance quite a bit more easier.
I wanted to write a test to see that parameters passed to validatePatchApiPersonR
are validated correctly. patchApiPersonR
is used by client to do partial updates on a Person
entity. There's three different cases I wanted to check:
- trying to change life focus too soon (there's 5 year cooldown)
- trying to select same life focus that has already been selected
- trying to modify somebody else's avatar
Code is shown below and the last 2 lines are the interesting ones. There I'm using equality to compare if a given error exists in a list of errors created by validatePatchApiPersonR
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "people" $ do
describe "life focus" $ do
describe "Validating requests" $ do
it "All errors are reported" $ do
forAll anyCompletelyFaultyRequest $
\(userE, personE, msg, date) ->
let res = validatePatchApiPersonR (userE ^. entityKeyL, userE ^. entityValL, personE, msg, date)
newFocus = msg ^? patchPersonRequestLifeFocus . _Just . _Just
case res of
V.Success _ ->
expectationFailure "Invalid request was not detected"
V.Failure errs -> do
errs `shouldSatisfy` (\xs -> any (\x -> "CanNotChangeLifeFocusSoSoon" `isInfixOf` (pack $ show x)) xs)
errs `shouldContain` [ canNotReselectSameLifeFocus newFocus ]
errs `shouldContain` [ insufficientRights ]
Detour on equality
Equality in Haskell works slightly differently compared to for example C#. There is no built in, default implementation that gets used when the programmer hasn't written their own. If you want to compare equality, there needs to be implementation specific to your data types. This is done by making an instance of type class Eq
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
There's two functions: ==
for equality and /=
for inequality. You need to implement either one.
Back to problem
is our structured error code type and defined as follows (this is short recap of previous episode):
data ECode where
ECode :: (ErrorCodeClass a, ToJSON a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> ECode
It can wrap anything that has correct type class instances and you will always get ECode
as a result. It hides the specific type of thing being wrapped and only functions defined in type classes are available.
First try
Peel away ECode
and compare what's inside and compare wrapped values:
instance Eq ECode where
ECode a == ECode b =
a == b
This will lead into a error "Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘a1’. ‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by a pattern with constructor...". This is because ECode
can wrap many different types, there is no quarantee that you're comparing values of same type. The whole error is show below for reference:
[35 of 76] Compiling Errors ( src/Errors.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux/Cabal- )
/home/tuula/programming/sky/src/Errors.hs:148:14: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘a’ with actual type ‘a1’
‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
ECode :: forall a.
(ErrorCodeClass a, ToJSON a, Eq a, Show a) =>
a -> ECode,
in an equation for ‘==’
at src/Errors.hs:147:16-22
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor:
ECode :: forall a.
(ErrorCodeClass a, ToJSON a, Eq a, Show a) =>
a -> ECode,
in an equation for ‘==’
at src/Errors.hs:147:5-11
• In the second argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘b’
In the expression: a == b
In an equation for ‘==’: ECode a == ECode b = a == b
• Relevant bindings include
b :: a1 (bound at src/Errors.hs:147:22)
a :: a (bound at src/Errors.hs:147:11)
148 | a == b
Second try
We can use Show
to turn ECode
into string and compare them. This is what I did initially.
instance Eq ECode where
a == b = show a == show b
While this works, it feels hacky. It relies on string representations being different. If you accidentally write Show
instance in a way that produces same string with two different values, the comparison breaks down.
Third time is a charm
After pondering a bit, I asked myself a question "When are two ECode
equal?". The answer I arrived is "When they have same http status code and description." Then I could write yet different take on equality:
instance Eq ECode where
a == b =
httpStatusCode a == httpStatusCode b
&& description a == description b
This states that to two ECode
values are equal, if they have same httpStatusCode
and description
Thanks for listening, if you have any questions or comments, you can reach me via email or in fediverse, where I'm Tuula@tech.lgbt
. Or even better, you could record your own hacker public radio episode.
Ad astra!