hpr3172 :: A ramble with the Pentland Squires (part 2)
Second half of the chat between MrX and Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Tuesday, 2020-09-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
COVID-19, physical isolation, discussion.
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Duration: 00:49:43
The two HPR hosts based in Edinburgh got together over Mumble on the evening of Sunday 23rd August 2020 to have a chat during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is the second half of the conversation. For the first part see HPR show 3167.
Some of the topics we discussed:
- Listening to podcasts
- MrX’s recent show Keeping track of where I am
- Using phone-based apps like Antennapod
- Rockbox (free music player firmware) on Sansa Fuze, Sansa Clip, Clip+, Clip Zip, etc
- Mobile phones and tablets
- MrX likes his Nokia 5310
- Dave is interested in the PinePhone
- MrX has a Samsung Galaxy tablet (and did an HPR episode about it: hpr3030 :: My new Samsung tablet)
- Smart devices want to make you a victim!
- Digital data versus pieces of paper
- Dave is using a Google spreadsheet shopping list which he can share with his kids who are shopping for him
- There’s still a desire to keep things on paper though
- The tendency to hoard bits of paper
- Using Windows
- Multiple (virtual) desktops on Windows 10, a counter-intuitive design
- Outlook as a mail client (with Exchange) is very poor compared to open source options
- 3D printing
- OpenSCAD: The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
- A Slicer: software for converting a 3D model into instructions for a 3D printer in the form of G-code.
- The current pandemic
- Lockdown controls exposure to the virus and limits cases
- Fewer cases means the health service can cope better
- Sheltering keeps vulnerable people safe until a vaccine is available
- Herd Immunity is when the majority of people are immune to the virus and don’t transmit it to vulnerable people
- Long-term effects of COVID-19
- Asymptomatic carriers of the virus
- HPR listening and contributing in the time of COVID
- Current times tend to make it harder to keep up to date with shows
- It’s also harder to make time to make contributions at the moment
- Issues with motivation
- Miscellaneous
- MrX’s car needing attention due to rust
- Dave’s anecdote of his neighbour losing power late one night