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hpr2923 :: Describing how I listen to podcasts PART 5

In this episode I cover how I use my 2nd add on board the PiFace Control and Display

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Hosted by MrX on Wednesday, 2019-10-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audio, Podcasts, Linux, Command Line, Python, Raspberry Pi. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:29:10


Below are examples of messages shown on the screen during operation

System Up (Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of this message)

Picture 01
Shows the unit waiting to get a wi-fi connection and get given an IP address.

Picture 02
Unit goes to the HPR site and gets the number of days to free slot in the show queue. At the time when I took the picture the queue had a healthy 22 shows!

Links to three previous shows I did that mention the Blinkstick

  1. Solving a problem I had with my Blinkstick

  2. Tracking the HPR queue using python and a Blinkstick

  3. Follow on to HPR2340 (Tracking the HPR queue in Python)

Picture 03 Picture 04
Menu 0 Podcasts screens

0 1 <|| PLAY/PAUSE (Toggles moc between play and Pause)
0 2 <<  INFORMATION(Displays information about the current track)
0 3 <<  (Move to previous track in playlist)
0 4 <<  (Move to next track in playlist)
0 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Seek forward or back in current track)

Picture 05 Picture 06
Menu 1 Audiobooks screens

1 1 <|| PLAY/PAUSE (Toggles moc between play and Pause)
1 2 <<  INFORMATION(Displays information about the current track)
1 3 <<  (Move to previous track in playlist)
1 4 <<  (Move to next track in playlist)
1 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Seek forward or back in current track)

Picture 07 Picture 08
Menu 2 System screens

2 1 Sys Information (System information)
2 2 WiFi (Displays WiFi inofrmation such SSID & signal strength)
2 3 HPR (Displays the number days to the next free slots on FPR que)
2 4 Not shown, (Not in use)
2 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Shut-down the Raspberry Pi)

Infra-red Sensor

Picture 09
Infra-red sensor turned on

Picture 10
Infra-red sensor turned off

Picture 11
Picture 12
Example of a message being sent to the unit telling me that a backup is complete. The bright pink LED on the Blinkstick lets me know at a glance that a message has been sent to the display.

Picture 13
Picture 14
Picture 15
A flavour of what information is shown when the information button 2 is pushed. The picture showing the title scrolling from right to left was blurred so I didn’t include this.

Picture 16
The menu displayed during seek, this in initiated by pushing and releasing the toggle button while either in the Podcasts main menu 0 or Audio book main menu 1.

Picture 17
The shut-down menu this in initiated by pushing and releasing the toggle button while in the System main menu 2.


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