hpr2923 :: Describing how I listen to podcasts PART 5
In this episode I cover how I use my 2nd add on board the PiFace Control and Display
Hosted by MrX on Wednesday, 2019-10-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audio, Podcasts, Linux, Command Line, Python, Raspberry Pi.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 00:29:10
Below are examples of messages shown on the screen during operation
System Up (Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of this message)
Shows the unit waiting to get a wi-fi connection and get given an IP address.
Unit goes to the HPR site and gets the number of days to free slot in the show queue. At the time when I took the picture the queue had a healthy 22 shows!
Links to three previous shows I did that mention the Blinkstick
Solving a problem I had with my Blinkstick
https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2089Tracking the HPR queue using python and a Blinkstick
https://hackerpublicradio.org/eps.php?id=2340Follow on to HPR2340 (Tracking the HPR queue in Python)
- Link to Moc, Music On Console
Menu 0 Podcasts screens
0 1 <|| PLAY/PAUSE (Toggles moc between play and Pause)
0 2 << INFORMATION(Displays information about the current track)
0 3 << (Move to previous track in playlist)
0 4 << (Move to next track in playlist)
0 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Seek forward or back in current track)
Menu 1 Audiobooks screens
1 1 <|| PLAY/PAUSE (Toggles moc between play and Pause)
1 2 << INFORMATION(Displays information about the current track)
1 3 << (Move to previous track in playlist)
1 4 << (Move to next track in playlist)
1 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Seek forward or back in current track)
Menu 2 System screens
2 1 Sys Information (System information)
2 2 WiFi (Displays WiFi inofrmation such SSID & signal strength)
2 3 HPR (Displays the number days to the next free slots on FPR que)
2 4 Not shown, (Not in use)
2 5 LIGHT (Toggle back-light on LCD screen)
PUSH IN TOP TOGGLE BUTTON (Shut-down the Raspberry Pi)
Infra-red Sensor
Example of my Samsung TV remote control
Lirc Article from Wikipedia
Infra-red sensor turned on
Infra-red sensor turned off
- Kodi article on Wikipedia, (Formerly XBMC)
Example of a message being sent to the unit telling me that a backup is complete. The bright pink LED on the Blinkstick lets me know at a glance that a message has been sent to the display.
EEE PC article on Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asus_Eee_PCSwitch Bounce article on Wikipedia
A flavour of what information is shown when the information button 2 is pushed. The picture showing the title scrolling from right to left was blurred so I didn’t include this.
The menu displayed during seek, this in initiated by pushing and releasing the toggle button while either in the Podcasts main menu 0 or Audio book main menu 1.
The shut-down menu this in initiated by pushing and releasing the toggle button while in the System main menu 2.