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hpr2915 :: Intro - My Recording Setup

My first HPR episode. A bit of an intro and then a description of my recording setup.

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Hosted by Carl on Friday, 2019-10-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Fedora, Firewire, Audio Interface. 1.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:20:48


I discuss loading Fedora on various bits of older hardware and devise a plan to turn one of those bits of older hardware into a dedicated headless audio processor using its firewire port to keep yet another older piece of hardware alive: a Yamaha GO46 audio interface.

Having done that and finding that it all performs admirably, I illogically decide to replace it with newer (but not new) hardware and buy yet another different model firewire audio interface: a Focusrite Saffire Pro 24.

I record the end of the show on audio interface #3: a USB based Steinberg UR22mkII, which one could argue that I should have been using all along, leaving the firewire gear in the last decade where it belongs (?).


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-10-04 09:12:13 by Ken Fallon

More shows on ....

MrChromebox.techCustom coreboot firmware and firmware utilities for your Chromebook/Chromebox
Controlling the lid display and sleep with logind.conf - Login manager configuration file
USB-C Docks and Linux
REAPER Digital Audio Workstation

No pressure.

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