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hpr2814 :: Spectre and Meltdown and OpenBSD and our future

A discussion about CPU's and our future with them, where are we going?

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Thumbnail of Zen_Floater2
Hosted by Zen_Floater2 on Thursday, 2019-05-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

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Duration: 00:20:51


I discuss the entire Spectre and Meltdown issues and where we might go post an Intel world. My objective is to encourage others to leave Speculative processing backed by management engine based chips. SCATTER HUMANS!!! WE MUST LEAVE!!!!


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-05-17 14:29:33 by ClaudioM

Hello, Fellow Puffy Disciple!

Pretty good episode on the speculative execution stuff that Intel and others are dealing with. And don't feel alone, I also run OpenBSD as of late! Been dabbling with the BSDs since 3 years ago and, of all of them, OpenBSD is closest to my heart. I'm running OpenBSD-current on an old Toshiba Portege M400 convertible tablet PC as well as on a ThinkPad x230 at work. Yeah, certain things like wireless aren't up to par yet as they are on Linux or even FreeBSD (which I also run on a laptop at work), but it is a great OS with great security and support. Another HPR contributor by the name of Sigflup also runs OpenBSD, and to be honest, her use of it was what piqued my curiosity to the OS. So, rest assured, you're in good company as an OpenBSD user on HPR. ;-)

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