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hpr2117 :: What's in my bag for Podcrawl?

Dave shows us what is in the bag he's taking to the London Podcrawl.

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Thumbnail of thelovebug
Hosted by thelovebug on Tuesday, 2016-09-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
backpack, Google Pixel C, Samson Q2U Microphone, Olympus DM-3, Marshall Major Headphones, Neewer 3.5mm Lapel Microphone. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:51

What's in My Toolkit.

This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share with the community the items that they can't live without, what they find useful in day to day life.

What’s in my bag for Podcrawl?


[Video on Periscope] [Video on Mediagoblin]


Mountain Warehouse backpack
I couldn’t find exact model (I believe it was in a sale), but likely to be a 10 litre backpack

Google Pixel C - Android tablet

Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboard

AmazonBasics 7-inch Black Sleeve

AmazonBasics 10-inch Black Sleeve

Samson Q2U Microphone (USB/XLR)

Olympus DM-3 Portable Recorder

Marshall Major Headphones

Microsoft 3600 Bluetooth Mobile Mouse

Smartphone Audio Splitters
[ black one][ white one]

Neewer 3.5mm Hands Free Computer Clip on Mini Lapel Microphone

Samsung OTG MicroUSB Connector

Exibel USB Powerbank
(actually, these aren’t that good)

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

All other products mentioned are fairly generic and/or commonplace. Links are provided for information only, and do not represent a recommendation of purchase from any particular vendor, although I may have purchased the items from that vendor myself.


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