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hpr2087 :: Magazines I read Part 2

More of the magazines I read

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Hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212 on Tuesday, 2016-08-02 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Magazine, food, recipe, sci fi, archaeology, motorcycles, photography. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:03:40


Hi Hacker Public Radio this is Tony Hughes again with the second episode about the magazines I like to read. All of the magazines I’ll be talking of today I read on my Magzter ( Application on my tablet. I have a Magzter Gold subscription which gives me access to literally 100’s of magazines.

  • Vegetarian Times (
    I’m a bit of a foodie and have been a vegetarian for many years, so access to good food magazines is important to me. This is a US publication so not all the advertised products are available in the UK but the articles and recipes are excellent.

  • Feel Good Food (
    A British magazine aimed at Women but non the less still a source of some brilliant recipes for delicious food for food lovers everywhere. Not a veggie magazine but there is usually something of interest. Like most of the food magazines I read I dip into them find recipes I like save them and move on.

Moving on from food to Sci Fi and cult fiction.

I’ve grouped these together as they both deal with this subject. They review the latest books, films, TV, comics and audio recordings for this genre . They also cover classic examples, often examining work from the so called golden age of a particular subject. Along with Total Film magazine ( you will always have access to reviews of the latest films & TV and if they are worth the price of a cinema ticket or space as a series record on your PVR.

Another armchair hobby of mine is archaeology I’ve loved Time Team from the beginning. So my next magazine on Magzter is Archaeology ( this is a bi monthly magazine published in the US, but covering the latest archaeological news from around the world. For someone into my modern technology its interesting to read about what the latest technology was hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

Moving on, one of my other interests over the last 20 years has been motorcycles although I no longer ride I still retain an keen interest so a Bike magazine has to be something I dip into to drool over shiny metal every so often. So I currently have Back Street Heroes ( as a favourite in Magzter and dip into it when I need a shiny metal fix.

Finally a more active hobby of mine is photography so there has to be a photography magazine in this list. Amateur Photographer ( claims to be the worlds oldest weekly photography magazine. It covers all aspect of photography and the equipment you need. From high end Professional stuff to point and shoot cameras, and all the other stuff from bags to flash lights.


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