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hpr1830 :: How Holland Works: GreenWheels

A quick look at the Dutch short term car sharing service

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Friday, 2015-08-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
How Holland Works, GreenWheels, Environment, integrated transport, car sharing. 2.

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Duration: 00:10:43


No longer owning a car of our own, we use the car-sharing service GreenWheels, which for a subscription of €5 per month, we are allowed to rent any of the hundreds of cars confidentiality parked all around the Netherlands.

How it works


Once you subscribe you get mailed a credit card sized RFID card and a PIN code.


Go to the website and enter in your location using ZIP/postcode or town name. You specify the times range you want to use it for and then press find to list the available options. A Google Map will appear with the availability of the cars displayed green for available and red for booked. Pick the one you want, login and confirm.

screen shot of website


Go to the car location and then open the car by placing the RFID card next to the RFID reader located just above the steering wheel. The central locking will open the doors allowing you to get in.

Take the controller out of the glove compartment and enter your pin code to unlock the ignition system.

You can confirm that there is no damage, or log any damage that has occurred. Take the regular key and use that to start the car.


If you need to refuel then go to any [gas|petrol] station and refuel. Make note of the current distance travelled on the Odometer, and take the fleet refuelling card from the glove compartment. Instead of paying yourself, the bill will be charged directly to GreenWheels. Return the refuelling card and receipt to the glove compartment.


Loads to see in the Netherlands.


When you are finished, return the car and after checking that you have all your stuff, answer yes to the question "Have you returned to the start point ?". Then leave and use the RFID card to lock the car.



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Comment #1 posted on 2015-07-16 17:26:51 by FiftyOneFifty

I thought this was about the dikes

Shoot, Ken, I thought this was going to be your long promised description of how the windmill and dike system worked.

Comment #2 posted on 2015-08-11 21:01:34 by Dave Morriss

Thanks for the insight

I always find it fascinating to discover how other parts of the world do the things they do. This was good.

We have a "City Car" scheme here in Edinburgh, but I'm not sure if it's as sophisticated as the one you describe.

More please :-)

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