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hpr1652 :: GeekSpeak 2013-06-01

Showcasing the Central Coast Public Broadcasting radio show slash podcast, Geek Speak

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Hosted by Various Creative Commons Works on Tuesday, 2014-12-02 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.
Geek Speak, KUSP, Creative Commons, community radio, (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:04:03


As part of Hacker Public Radio's continuing effort to showcase Creative Commons Works, we are proud to present GeekSpeak. GeekSpeak is produced as a radio show for community based station KUSP in Monterey CA, and rebroadcast as podcast, available from It is a generally a lighthearted and humorous general technology news show, with topics including electronics, computing, robotics, and green tech. Often guest speakers and authors from the technology world will come on for interviews. The shows are just about an hour long.

The regular hosts are Bonnie Jean Primbsch, Lyle Troxell, Miles Elam, and Ben Jaffe (see the full roster). You can often hear them thanking the "Puppetmaster" for letting them continue to use the name GeekSpeak. After broadcasting for several years, it was discovered the term "GeekSpeak" had been registered as a service mark by David Lawrence for a podcast of his own. You might remember Lawrence as the actor who played the character on "Heroes" with the telekinetic ability to physically manipulate other characters against their will.

GeekSpeak has a long standing tradition of using Devo's "Through Bein' Cool" as intro music, so only those episodes that employ user contributed music instead are actually released Creative Commons. What you are about to hear, from the 1st of June of 2013, is just such an episode.



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