hpr1358 :: How to set up GnuPG, a PGP-compliant encryption system
Setting up GnuPG for use with Thunderbird and Mutt
Hosted by Klaatu on Wednesday, 2013-10-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
encryption, PGP, GnuPG, Thunderbird, Mutt.
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Duration: 00:51:47
Klaatu explains how to set up GnuPG, a PGP-compliant encryption system, and use it with both Thunderbird and Mutt mail clients.
Set up GnuPG: https://straightedgelinux.com/blog/howto/setupgnupg.html
Using Mutt: https://straightedgelinux.com/blog/howto/mutt.html
Klaatu's humble dot-muttrc file: https://gnuworldorder.info/dot-muttrc (there are better ones out there)
Klaatu's public key