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hpr1184 :: Installing Linux without a monitor

An audio-only demonstration of installing Sonar GNU/Linux

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Hosted by Various Hosts on Thursday, 2013-02-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Accessible Computing Foundation, ACF, Sonar Linux. 5.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:33:46


Two weeks ago we aired a show about the Sonar Project which is a specialized GNU/Linux distribution to develop and proof accessibility in a modern distribution. This is a test bed and so every single enhancement and discovery will be sent back upstream so that all distributions will be accessible by default.

The Sonar Project show was downloaded a total of 14,219 times so far and yet only 127 people have donated.

Today it's a case of the blind leading the (simulated) blind as Jonathan Nadeau walks pokey through an install of the Sonar GNU/Linux distribution without a monitor.

So listen along and experience what life is like if you are a blind hacker.
Press PAUSE to hear what it would be like if Jonathan had not done so much work already.


The project is here

The Accessible Computing Foundation can be found at or

The project itself can be found here


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-02-14 22:26:12 by Jonathan Nadeau

Thank you

Hey Guys thanks for the kind right up. Thanks to all that have pledged and made this possible so far. HPR ROCKS!

Comment #2 posted on 2013-02-16 22:49:10 by Jonathan Nadeau


I just wanted to let everyone know that we are down to only needing 851 more pledges!

Comment #3 posted on 2013-02-18 00:29:04 by Jonathan Nadeau

update with the campaign

We are now down to needing 592 more pledges to meet the 1000 pledges at $5!

Comment #4 posted on 2013-02-18 17:02:59 by davijordan

You should be able to get around having a monitor at boot time maybe with one of these.!

Comment #5 posted on 2013-02-20 07:32:25 by William


While listening I couldn't help but think it would be much easier for blind people to use a command prompt and lynx-like applications. Perhaps money would be better spend building text based apps for whatever it is that blind folks would like. A text based twitter client specialized for the disabled, stuff like that?

Tabbing through 2d laid out forms - is that really the best way to be doing this?

I'm not blind, but back in the day, I was able to use Windows 95 without a screen to do a few simple things, such as change screen resolution. And it's cool that people who do this a lot get really good at it, but most people shouldn't have to install so many times that they'd get really good at using a GUI without being able to see it.

Also on indiegogo the figure of 1 billion people with disabilities is mentioned. Are there really that many people disabled to the point where they need a special operating system? I admire the project and its goals, but is that not overstating the problem unnecessarily?

I apologize if this sounds harsh. I plan on donating and wish the project luck.

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