hpr1024 :: Episode 1024
Celebration of Hacker Public Radio's first 1K episodes
Hosted by Various Hosts on Thursday, 2012-07-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
HPR, community, anniversary.
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Duration: 01:22:20
In the second and final installment of Hacker Public Radio's first 1K episodes (yes Lord D, we know it's really 1324 :) anniversary celebration, FiftyOneFifty hosts a panel consisting of the following hosts from Today With a Techie and the inaugural year of Hacker Public Radio: jrullo, klaatu, willjasen, Lord Drachenblut, and Xoke (with Mrs. Xoke). Special thanks to aparanoidshell, who stepped in to keep the conversation rolling when FiftyOneFifty momentarily lost the connection.
Destinations mentioned in this episode:
Accordion intro theme courtesy of Mr. X