hpr0935 :: Indiana LinuxFest
Ken talks to Lord Drachenblut about the upcoming Indiana LinuxFest 2012
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Friday, 2012-03-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Indiana Linuxfest, ILF, ILF 2012.
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Duration: 00:31:50
In what has proven to be the most difficult show to put together ever, Ken and his most noble Lordship of the shire of Drachenblut, talk about the Indiana LinuxFest.
Summary of Indiana LinuxFest's Goals
Indiana LinuxFest is a community F/OSS conference, which is showcasing the best the community has to offer in the way of Free and Open Source Software, Open Hardware, and Free Culture. We are also highlighting the best and brightest from all of these communities from the hobbyist to professional level.
Indiana LinuxFest 2012, April 13th to the 15th at the Wyndam Indianapolis West, is free to attend and Open for any to attend be it the hobbyist to the professional. So join us for the Reign of Freedom!