Klaatu introduces you to Publican, the user-friendly Perl frontend to Docbook XML from the Fedora Linux Project. Also, how to set up vim with XML tag completion.
Feel free to glance over the dot-emacs file that Klaatu uses, mostly stolen from Unix guru Bill Von Hagen (who in turn stole it from lots of other people; read comments for credits)
Comment #1 posted on 2011-11-28 22:35:49 by marcoz
Nice, Klaatu.
Most of my contributions now are documentation related so I found this most interesting to listen to. I stumbled on Publican not too long ago (less than a year I'm pretty sure. I honestly don't remember) and I really like the output. I think it's definitely a good thing for OSS and am glad you had an episode on it. docs.fedora.com (and rh) are on my short list of nice looking documentation sites
Keep up the good work!
Comment #2 posted on 2011-11-30 03:43:42 by klaatu
cool thank you goodbye
Glad you liked the ep, glad you like Publican. I enjoy using it, myself....UNTIL i have to get in there and do a whole bunch of xslt custom params... then I fall back on raw docbook and xsltproc. But man, when I don't need that? publican is just so darned easy.
If you liked my HPR ep on Publican, then you'll LOVE my Gnu World Order ep on epub! (yes, that was an advert) https://thebadapples.info/audiophile.gnuWorldOrder_7x04.ogg
Great podcast (as usual, Klaatu). Within the first few minutes I got excited about pimping this to my non-techie writer friends on Twitter. For that reason it would have been good to skip over 'scary' things emacs & vim & just concentrate on how it can help writers used to other tools, but hey, I can always remix & put out a cut-down version if I cared that much.
Many thanks for helping spread the good word!
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