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hpr0777 :: What is Cloud?

A look at aspects of the services jointly referred to as "The Cloud"

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Hosted by StankDawg on Monday, 2011-07-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
hypervisor, virtual environment, container, security, network storage, SAS, PAAS. 3.

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Duration: 01:17:26


In today's HPR, Josh, StankDawg and Voeltz discuss what "cloud" is and what questions you should ask before moving to the cloud.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-07-26 14:13:24 by mail junky

After listening to a couple of minutes of the first expert, I got tired of listening to that crock of crap.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-07-27 17:59:12 by mail junky


Maybe I should explain myself. There was a time when "systems analysis" was used. You evaluate the needs to solve a problem. If you have a web application where you only have a limited number of users and storage size is not a priority, why set up a high availability zillion multi-node servers for such a project. I.e. student testing lab at a college. Everything is in degrees. Secondly. the notion that a single server especially a linux box could not be secure is ludicrous. Sounds like someone who is inept at linux and wants to make excuses. Reminds me of some MSWindows administrators I used to know. Be that is at it may, considering how the highly touted Amazon services have had so many security issues, I definitely would not consider it a stellar example of a robust system at any level. Do not get me wrong I was a Novell, Linux, and MSWindows administrator for over ten years, so I feel I might have a clue about all this. If you pay me enough, I will use any OS.
By the way, you actually can go from a single server to a multi node set up without taking anything down. The best way is to set up the original server ahead of time with the capabilities, so it is a matter of plug and play. Guess that is all part of the systems analysis to tie it all together.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-07-28 14:41:42 by Meh

I disagree

I listened to the entire episode and I thought the general idea was that cloud makes a lot of things easier and safer. I didn't get any vibe of a single system being impossible to secure. I agree that a single machine is the solution for most users (like myself) with a single site, but I don't think you got the point of the show. They overall theme, as I heard it, was to think of the good but also the bad of going to a cloud option.

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