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hpr0745 :: Wingz

MrGadgets speaks of lessons learned with a product called Wingz

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Hosted by MrGadgets on Thursday, 2011-06-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
COMDEX, Innovative Software, Wingz, spreadsheet, Informix. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:46
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Company: Innovative Software (Primary: software suite smart software)
Product: Wingz a spreadsheet software
First for the Mac, stupidest possible product, because there already was Excel
They hired Leonard Nimoy for the ad video, because Wingz was all about the future
They had a Wingz bag in different colors , which was awarded laptop accessory of the year one year by Jerry Pournelle (scifi writer) in the Chaos Manor column he wrote for BYTE Magazine.
After two years the Wingz Software came out, also for Os2 and Windows and was very successful, up to 15% of the Mac market
A special feature was that it could connect to databases

and the lesson learned ... (not to be spoiled here, listen to the podcast)


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-06-10 22:01:50 by mail junky

Gosh that brings back a few memories. I used to work in a computer software store back in the middle 1980's.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-06-23 16:31:11 by gatton

Apparently the application was Informix Wingz? I had a hard time when googling for it since the show title says "Wings". Interesting topic. Thanks for sharing!

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