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hpr2728 :: The Unreliable Narrator In Storytelling

Lostnbronx looks at unreliable narrators and narrative techniques in stories.

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Hosted by lostnbronx on Wednesday, 2019-01-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
stories, storytelling, narration, lostnbronx. 1.

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Duration: 00:13:34

Random Elements of Storytelling.

lostnbronx leads us on an investigation of the fundamentals of story telling.

In some stories, the narrator or dominating character can’t be trusted by the audience, creating opportunities for various storytelling effects. What makes for an unreliable narrator? What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of this technique? How can the underlying structure of a tale be similar to an unreliable narrator, even if the story doesn’t actually have one? Lostnbronx takes a rambling, off-the-cuff look at this interesting literary tool


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Comment #1 posted on 2019-01-17 08:00:31 by Ken Fallon

As a means for telling two stories at once ?

Hi LnB,

Loved this show as ever. It got me thinking that I enjoyed "The Usual Suspects", and "Fight Club" as two well executed movies. Both had me going back to watch it again to see how they fooled me.

I would like to argue that "The Sixth Sense" took the premise of the unreliable narrator(s) and did something unique to set it apart from the other two. Namely they produced two entirely different films from the same series of pictures.

The first time I saw it I watched a Horror Film starring Bruce Willis, and saw a story about a man who discovers the truth.

The second time watching it I saw a Drama starring Haley Joel Osment, and saw a story about a boy struggling to accept he is different, having to deal with difficult situations and learning to trust again.

After listening to your show, I realised that this was only possible because both characters were Unreliable Narrators, one unknowing and the other using it as a tool to help.


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