hpr2442 :: The sound of Woodbrook Quaker Study centre in the Spring
I recorded the sound of bird song at Woodbrook Quaker study Centre in Birmingham UK in April 2017
Hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212 on Tuesday, 2017-12-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:15:37
Sound Scapes.
Come with us on a journey through sound.
This is a recording I made at Woodbrook Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham UK while I was there in April 2017.
I got the idea to release it as a show after listening to hpr2354 :: Night Sounds in Rural Tennessee hosted by Jon Kulp so here it is all 15 minutes of it.
The centre is right by the busy A38 trunk road so hence the constant hum of traffic noise in the background.