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hpr2422 :: Kickstarter Post Mortem

Klaatu talks about his failed Kickstarter campaign

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Hosted by Klaatu on Tuesday, 2017-11-14 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Crowd Funding, Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming. 2.

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Duration: 00:46:03

Tabletop Gaming.

In this series, initiated by klaatu, analog games of various sorts are described and reviewed. See for details.

Klaatu tried to fund art for a card game on Kickstarter. Missed the goal by 85%

This is a post mortem of how the Kickstarter went and where he may have gone wrong. Possibly you can learn from his mistakes. Possibly he has misdiagnosed his mistakes, and you are being misled. Choose wisely.


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Comment #1 posted on 2017-12-29 23:00:07 by busybusy

Kickstarter Revisited

I noticed that you mentioned that you are not a sales man and described a person you knew that was great a creating hype about a produce which may go against your personality. But I would say that to get best results from other people's stories about any Kickstarter like service, is to to have a prototype ready to go. It shows that you have something besides an idea and some direction which is why you need the money to bring it into production. I don't like selling either but if you believe in the game idea, had a prototype (rules, card layouts, etc.), then the IDEA will sell itself. People will see value in the what you are trying to achieve thus you are not selling anything but creating something people WANT to bring to fruition because it intrigues them as much as you.

I just wanted bring another perspective.
"Ideas sell themselves because people see value in it."

Comment #2 posted on 2018-01-13 03:00:27 by Klaatu


Yes, maybe I should have provided an easy-to-download temporary version of the game, plus the full rules. Thanks for the idea. If I try again, maybe that's something I'll try.

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