hpr1796 :: Audacity - Chains, Notches and Labels
Some more Tips and Tricks when using Audacity
Hosted by cheeto4493 on Monday, 2015-06-22 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audacity, Recording, Editing, notch filter, chain.
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Duration: 00:15:09
Podcasting HowTo.
This series is designed to help the new host begin podcasting and to give the experienced host some tips and tricks.
The series is open to all.
I expand some on Jon Kulp's show on using Labels in Audacity. Specifically, I comment on importing a Label track from a Tab separated text file.
I go on to talk about using Notch filters, a Nyquist-effect plugin for Audacity. Notch filters work extremely well on certain frequency centered noise like mains hum.
I follow up by talking about chains. A way of doing batch operations directly in Audacity.