hpr0930 :: TGTM Tech News for 2012-02-20
A newscast from Talk Geek to Me
Hosted by Tgtm News Team on Thursday, 2012-02-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 00:20:45
What's happening in the News world
DeepGeek TGTM Newscast for 2012-02-20
Shownotes are available at Show Notes for TGTM news 61
Here is a news review:
- Trial of Jimmy John's Bosses for Mass Firing of Whistleblower Workers Begins Today: Organizers Vow to Continue Fight for Change at Poverty-Wage Corporate Chains
- 600 percent increase in racial stop-and-frisk policing in NY
- Longshore workers name Occupy movement as crucial in EGT settlement
- Greek Hospital workers decide to occupy the hospital and run it themselves
- Prominent Republicans may be getting nervous about Romney’s chances
- Google Circumvents Safari Privacy Protections - This is Why We Need Do Not Track
- Pirate Bay: The RIAA Is Delusional and Must Be Stopped
- IIPA Reports BitTorrent Sites and Cyberlockers To US Government
- Congrats, US Government: You're Scaring Web Businesses Into Moving Out Of The US
- Australian Government Holds Secret Anti-Piracy Meetings; The Public Is Not Invited
Other Headlines:
- Will We Choose a Chinese Future?
- Athens burns: has Greece entered its Argentina moment?
- Co-operatives, capitalism and the IWW
- Roseanne Barr at 6% in national presidential poll, behind Romney by only 5% among 18 to 29 year old voters
- Bradley Manning for Nobel Peace Prize?
News from "iww.org, " "rawstory.com, the audio "Moment of Clarity #116," and "techdirt.com" used under arranged permission. News from "eff.org" and "torrentfreak.com" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution license. News from "peoplesworld.org" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution non-commercial no-derivatives license. News from "indybay.org" used under terms of the webpage. News from "takethesquare.net" is copyleft, translation from Greek courtesy the reddit community. News Sources retain their respective copyrights.
- https://www.talkgeektome.us/tgtmnews-61.html"
- https://www.iww.org/en/content/trial-jimmy-johns-bosses-mass-firing-whistleblower-workers-begins-today-organizers-vow-conti"
- https://peoplesworld.org/600-percent-increase-in-racial-stop-and-frisk-policing-in-ny/"
- https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2012/02/14/18707374.php"
- https://takethesquare.net/2012/02/07/greek-hospital-workers-decide-to-occupy-the-hospital-and-run-it-themselves/"
- https://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/02/17/prominent-republicans-getting-nervous-about-romneys-chances/"
- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/02/time-make-amends-google-circumvents-privacy-settings-safari-users"
- https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-the-riaa-is-delusional-and-must-be-stopped-120217/"
- https://torrentfreak.com/iipa-reports-bittorrent-sites-and-cyberlockers-to-us-120214/"
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120216/17154217785/congrats-us-government-youre-scaring-web-businesses-into-moving-out-us.shtml"
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120214/09284317757/australian-government-holds-secret-anti-piracy-meetings-public-is-not-invited.shtml"
- https://inthesetimes.com/article/12758/will_we_choose_a_chinese_future/"
- https://wlcentral.org/node/2457"
- https://libcom.org/blog/co-operatives-capitalism-iww-18022012"
- https://www.greenpartywatch.org/2012/02/14/roseanne-barr-at-6-in-national-presidential-poll-behind-romney-by-only-5-among-18-to-29-year-old-voters/"
- https://rt.com/news/manning-nobel-peace-prize-631/"