hpr0695 :: Behind the Scenes at HPR. A community update for the month 2011-03
HPR Community News for March 2011
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Friday, 2011-04-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Community News.
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Duration: 00:26:21
HPR Community News.
A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.
New hosts
Welcome to marcoz MrGadgets, and MrsXoke. We welcome new hosts.
Show Review
- 676 :: Ken Fallon :: Behind the Scenes at Hacker Public Radio. A community update for the month 2011-02.
- 677 :: lostnbronx :: THEATER OF THE IMAGINATION: PART 2
- 678 :: MrsXoke :: Terminally Stupid Episode 1
- 679 :: Michael Foord :: A Little Bit of Python: Episode 14 2010-06-06
- 680 :: Broam :: Auctions yard sales and flea markets
- 681 :: MrGadgets :: My first computer
- 682 :: pokey :: NELF & Taxes
- 683 :: marcoz :: Xorg GSoC call for students
- 684 :: Ken Fallon :: Eben Moglen Freedom In the Cloud
- 685 :: riddlebox :: Product Review SunVolt
- 686 :: MrsXoke :: Terminally Stupid Episode 2
- 687 :: MrGadgets :: pre-IBM PC computer history 1
- 688 :: HPR_AudioBookClub :: Badge Of Infamy
- 689 :: Various Creative Commons Works :: Eurotrash Security Podcast Episode 19: Haroon Meer
- 690 :: Curbuntu:: Resources for Autodidacts
- 691 :: MrGadgets :: pre-IBM PC computer history 2
- 692 :: Quvmoh :: audacity to mess with satan
- 693 :: Mrs. Xoke :: Terminally Stupid ep 3
- 694 :: Full Circle Podcast :: The U-Cubed Event
Apologies To:
- To Dave Yeats for apologising like him
- MrGadgets for messing up the encoding of his first episode
- Dodgy Geezer for the audio intros to the syndicated Thursdays shows
- klaatu for suggesting that he had abandoned HPR.
Thanks to
- The mail list for checking MrGadgets first show>
- droops for clarifying that HPR own the Mic logo
- To the person that assisted in clearing up an issue in the last podcast
- all the podcasts that play our promo
- Dann Washko, Integgroll, and pokey for tracking down episode 28 of shadow magic
- morgellon the lowtek mystic for the photos of the indiana linuxfest
- again pokeys mom for the HPR promo
- pokey for sending out all the stickers out of his own pocket
- code cruncher for paying for the business cards out of her own pocket
- pokey and code cruncher for being amazing - more info next month
Podcasts by Phone
Every listener is strongly encouraged to send us one contribution per year.
In episode 636 pokey told us that his Mother also listens to the show from time to time and this month she upheld her end of the bargain.
The call in lines
- US: +1-206-312-5749
- UK: +44-203-432-5879
Please include your name and email address.
Thanks to Russ Woodman - K5TUX and Arron 'Finux' Finnon for making this possible.
Hobby Public Radio dot org
I have put up a test wordpress site on my shared server with the intention of seeing if we can replicate and improve on the functionality of our current site. Please don't link to this site.
- Account Management
- Comments
- Scheduling
Changes afoot at Binrev
BinRev is our parent site and HPR is hosted on a binrev server.
StankDawg pays the bills for this service and I was tipped off to a post that he made on 23 March 2011 where he notifies us that a server move is on the cards.
I'm trying to arrange an interview with StankDawg to explain to us what BinRev is and what its goals are.
HPR Stickers
Photos from pokey, Ken Fallon, droops, FiftyOneFifty, Curbuntu, smartasstronaut, Bruce_Patterson, Fabian Scherschel (@fabsh), code_cruncher, axis and Mrs. Xoke.
Audio Book Club
Our next audiobook will be Shadowmagic by Lohn Lenahan. It is also available at podiobooks.
The direct link is:
If you are missing Episode 28 then you can get it here :
HPR Appeal
Last month I mentioned that klaatu has not posted a show that month. I was contacted by Karen from the Free as in Freedom oggcast (https://www.faif.us/) to tell me that klaatu had been arrested by the department of immigration while urban camping in some corporate head quarters in Cupertino. She wasn't allowed to say much apart from that the department of homeland security is now involved as well and have confiscated his laptop and are holding him at an undisclosed location.
We are collecting some money to aid in his release so if you can help please go over and donate at:
Northeast GNU/Linux Fest Details Saturday, April 2, 2011 Worcester MA
More information.
THE U-CUBED EVENT... organised by Les and Jon.
- When: Sat. April 2nd, 10.00am.
- Where: Mad-Lab, Manchester, UK .
- Cost: Free, tickets via the web-site.
- Info: ucubed.info.
Linuxfest Northwest 2011 - April 30th-May 1st Bellingham, WA
More information.
HPR is going Northeast and then Northwest with tables at both Linuxfests. We would like people to help out at the table, finding equipment etc.
How it all started: here is the link to pokey's first mail about the table at NELF:
We are also running a Competition to design Mini Business Cards for HPR which we would like to have for the fest.
They submitted entries have all won a book and they are all up on the picasaweb site https://picasaweb.google.com/108536234968997542346/DesignCompetition#
Upcoming Shows
MrGadgets Path toward Linux Series of Best Of Full Circle Interview with Captain Crunch