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hpr0645 :: The Dinosaur's Dilemma

Curbuntu interviews Baylee Juran, a public-school teacher

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Hosted by Curbuntu on Friday, 2011-01-21 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
education, Second Life, HTML, CSS. 3.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:21:08


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

Intro: Most of us grow into our computer knowledge gradually, starting because of an innate curiosity, figuring things out through trial and error, desiring to accomplish certain tasks, or just possessing a genetic predisposition to geekiness.  But what would it be like as a non-geek to come from a non-technical background and be thrown into “the deep end of the pool,” challenging yourself to learn as much as you could from scratch, and to learn it all as quickly as you could?  In Curbuntu’s first interview with “Baylee Juran,” a career public-school teacher (and self-described technological “dinosaur”), Baylee shares what motivated her to lay aside a comfortable, if frustrating, teaching paradigm in the hope of evolving into a 21st-Century instructor.  (Note: No cockatiels were harmed in the recording of this interview.)

Links: Books and websites mentioned—

Technical notes: For those of you interested in contributing first-time episodes to HPR, this interview was recorded in Ubuntu 10.04.1 over Skype using Skype Call Recorder for Linux.  (The version for “Ubuntu / Kubuntu 8/9, i386“ seems to work fine, even on the 64-bit, 10.04 version of the operating system.)  Post-processing (e.g., editing, adding musical HPR intro & outro, normalization, exporting to MP3, etc.) was done with Audacity 1.3.12-beta.  Audacity-generated MP3 meta-tags were verified with EasyTAG 1.2.6.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-02-08 18:19:00 by pokey

Another great episode

I keep meaning to decrypt your email address puzzle and contact you to chat for a bit. I keep forgetting.

This was a very fun show to listen to. I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-02-08 18:29:15 by pokey

Figured it out.

hey, you were right. that wasn't hard to figure out. I got it on the first try. :D

Comment #3 posted on 2011-02-24 19:45:45 by Buffalo Pete

A great start!

I really enjoyed this one. As someone who is sort of in the "tech education" field, I am always interested to hear about laypeople's experiences entering the world of technology. Looking forward to the next installment!

Best wishes,

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