hpr0573 :: Linux in a Ham Shack
Episode 39 of "Linux In The Ham Shack" syndicated on HPR
Hosted by KFive on Friday, 2010-09-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Ubuntu 10.04, Crunchbang, morse code, SELF 2010.
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Duration: 01:17:35
Syndicated Thursdays.
A chance to showcase other Creative Commons works. We try to expose podcasts, speeches, presentations, music, etc that you may not have heard. If you have suggestions for items then send your recommendation to admin at hpr and we'll add it to the queue.
In this Syndicated Thursday episode we hear from Russ, then known as K5TUX, but now as HPR host KFive, who is the host of the Linux In The Ham Shack podcast: https://lhspodcast.info/. He is joined by ClaudioM, who also known to HPR as Claudio Miranda.
This is episode 39: LHS Episode #039: Best. Episode. Ever.
There are show notes here: https://lhspodcast.info/2010/05/show-notes-069/