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Hacker Public Radio

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Thumbnail of Noodlez
: 423
Hello all! I'm Noodlez, an HPR listener and now contributor. I like anything to do with Linux and Linux-adjacent (Like other Unixes), and programming, and other random things like retro gaming.


hpr4065 :: Framework 13 (13th gen Intel) review

Friday, 2024-03-01. 00:19:17. Clean. general.
framework, laptop, review.

I give a review of the Framework 13 laptop (13th gen Intel). The review is very positive.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3937 :: Adventures in Pi-Hole

Tuesday, 2023-09-05. 00:08:17. Clean. general.
pi-hole, linux, networking, self-hosting.

Noodlez recounts their experience getting a pi-hole server

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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