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Hacker Public Radio

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Fred Black

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: 422


hpr4162 :: HPR music project - Walking tune from Äppelbo

Tuesday, 2024-07-16. 00:17:18. Explicit. general.
Music, Nyckelharpa, Folk_music.

Fred plays and teaches out "Gånglåt från Äppelbo" on their Nyckelharpa

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4062 :: HPR Music Series? - How will it go for the girl and me?

Tuesday, 2024-02-27. 00:17:23. Explicit. general.

Fred Black Pitches an idea for a Series of music being shared, and teaches a tune

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3931 :: What Instrument was played in hpr3905?

Monday, 2023-08-28. 00:34:00. Clean. general.
Music, quiz, Instrument, Nyckelharpa.

I reveal what instrument was played in hpr3905

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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