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The Mechatronics Maniac


hpr3816 :: Post Apocalyptic 4s5 Battery Pack

Monday, 2023-03-20. 00:07:59. Explicit. Hobby Electronics.
battery, 18650, cells, 4s.

Tough Battery Design Worthy of the Post Apocalyptic Robotics Database

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3809 :: The Abominable Post Apocalyptic Podcast Player

Thursday, 2023-03-09. 00:19:54. Explicit. Arduino and related devices.
robotics, mp3, GPD2846A, GPD2846, DIY, arduino.

Build a Three Dollar MP3 player in One Hour

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3798 :: Laptop Second SSD MXLinux Install

Wednesday, 2023-02-22. 00:12:29. Explicit. Hardware upgrades.
distrohopping, distros, linux, GNU, MXLinux.

Overcoming UEFI and Windows 10 to Install MXLinux 21.3 on a 2021 Asus Laptop 2nd SSD drive

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3707 :: Recovering a Massive 3.5 HP Electric Motor from a Treadmill

Tuesday, 2022-10-18. 00:16:46. Explicit. general.
beam, righttorepair, robots, mechatronics.

Retrieval of future robot parts in the field

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3694 :: Robo Tripping Ravelords of the Apocalypse

Thursday, 2022-09-29. 00:10:16. Clean. general.
beam, righttorepair, robots, mechatronics, apocalypse.

Organic Synthesis of Human and Machine Occurs Post Cosmic Event

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3628 :: Building a Mobile Computer Battlestation: Extended Power Supply

Wednesday, 2022-06-29. 00:20:35. Clean. general.
computer, mobile, bms, power.

Mobile computer Battlestation part 1; 16 cell power supply and BMS

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3554 :: Guide to the Science and Technology Section of Bitchute

Thursday, 2022-03-17. 00:12:55. Explicit. general.
bitchute, videos, technology, science.

Guide to some cool science and tech channels on Bitchute

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3524 :: Wheels Addendum - How to Reliably Attach Wheels to PAR Robot Platform

Thursday, 2022-02-03. 00:06:33. Clean. general.
beam, righttorepair, robots, mechatronics, apocalypse.

The most difficult part of Post Apocalyptic Robotics - how to keep the wheels on

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3522 :: Set up your Robot Building Lab and build a $0 Robot Platform

Tuesday, 2022-02-01. 00:26:20. Explicit. general.
beam, righttorepair, robots, mechatronics, apocalypse.

Ep 1 of Robot Warlords of the Apocalypse, build a free robot platform/crash buggy from old printers

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3482 :: Introduction to Post Apocalyptic Robotics Meta Technology

Tuesday, 2021-12-07. 00:13:30. Explicit. general.
beam, righttorepair, robots, mechatronics.

Building robots from junk parts and tech prepping

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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