: 396
Name: Izzy Leibowitz Handle: BlacKernel
I was born at a very young age and, from there, the rest is history.
It's not a skill set, it's a compultion.
Just your average korn kob on the internet; strangely not using ksh.
System Fetch
Prefered Pronouns: Any (He/She/They/It/Your Majesty/Feared Ruler of the Forbidden Languages/etc)
Prefered Languages: Rust (compuled), Lua (scripting), Fish (shell scripting)
Prefered Shell: fish
Prefered OS: Slackware
Prefered DE: -XFCE- KDE (you guys were right after all)
Other Projects
SCP Foundation: Dr. Izzy Leibowitz
Contact Me
Email: izzyleibowitz at pm dot me Mastodon: at blackernel at nixnet dot social
hpr3681 :: Rust 101 Episode 3: Functionally Insane
In this episode BlacKernel teaches you how to make functions and for loops in rust
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3568 :: PopKorn Episode 2: Programming, Mathematics, and Asymmetric Literacy
in This episOde, blackeRnel Tries to help yoU undeRstand Enough about math and programming
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3555 :: PopKorn Episode 1: The Fallacy of the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the ETC
BlacKernel tries talking off the cuff with mixed results
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3519 :: Rust 101: Episode 2 - Rolling With the Errors
In this episode, BlacKernel helps you construct a simple dice rolling application in rust.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3458 :: Living in the Terminal 2: The Obligatory Sequel
A very tired BlacKernel tries to handle feedback from the previous episode
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3453 :: Rust 101: Episode 1 - Hello, World!
In which BlacKernel introduces the cargo tool and goes into detail on the rust hello world program
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3447 :: BlacKernel's Journey Into Technology: Episode 2
In which BlacKernel struggles to talk about Windows
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3431 :: Living in the Terminal
BlacKernel shows you some programs you'll need for living life without X org
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3426 :: Rust 101: Episode 0 - What in Tarnishing?
BlacKernel teaches you what rust is and how it is different from Python or C.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3421 :: BlacKernel's Journey Into Technology: Episode 1
Learning about Assembly and Social Engineering before I could read