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Thumbnail of BlacKernel
: 396

Name: Izzy Leibowitz Handle: BlacKernel


I was born at a very young age and, from there, the rest is history.

It's not a skill set, it's a compultion.

Just your average korn kob on the internet; strangely not using ksh.

System Fetch

Prefered Pronouns: Any (He/She/They/It/Your Majesty/Feared Ruler of the Forbidden Languages/etc)
Prefered Languages: Rust (compuled), Lua (scripting), Fish (shell scripting)
Prefered Shell: fish
Prefered OS: Slackware
Prefered DE: -XFCE- KDE (you guys were right after all)

Other Projects

SCP Foundation: Dr. Izzy Leibowitz

Contact Me

Email: izzyleibowitz at pm dot me Mastodon: at blackernel at nixnet dot social


hpr3681 :: Rust 101 Episode 3: Functionally Insane

Monday, 2022-09-12. 00:41:21. Explicit. Programming 101.
rust, for loop, for, match, functions, loops, usize, isize, programming, tutorial.

In this episode BlacKernel teaches you how to make functions and for loops in rust

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3568 :: PopKorn Episode 2: Programming, Mathematics, and Asymmetric Literacy

Wednesday, 2022-04-06. 00:14:59. Clean. general.
improv, math, popkorn, programming, language.

in This episOde, blackeRnel Tries to help yoU undeRstand Enough about math and programming

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3555 :: PopKorn Episode 1: The Fallacy of the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the ETC

Friday, 2022-03-18. 00:16:09. Explicit. general.
improv, math, popkorn, fallacy.

BlacKernel tries talking off the cuff with mixed results

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3519 :: Rust 101: Episode 2 - Rolling With the Errors

Thursday, 2022-01-27. 00:53:54. Explicit. Programming 101.
rust, programming, dice, learning.

In this episode, BlacKernel helps you construct a simple dice rolling application in rust.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3458 :: Living in the Terminal 2: The Obligatory Sequel

Wednesday, 2021-11-03. 01:00:48. Explicit. general.
cli, linux, terminal, applications, picks, tired.

A very tired BlacKernel tries to handle feedback from the previous episode

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3453 :: Rust 101: Episode 1 - Hello, World!

Wednesday, 2021-10-27. 00:22:28. Explicit. Programming 101.
rust, programming, hello world, macros, functions.

In which BlacKernel introduces the cargo tool and goes into detail on the rust hello world program

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3447 :: BlacKernel's Journey Into Technology: Episode 2

Tuesday, 2021-10-19. 00:20:49. Explicit. general.
technology, windows, w*ndows, losedows, introductions, linux, dos.

In which BlacKernel struggles to talk about Windows

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3431 :: Living in the Terminal

Monday, 2021-09-27. 00:46:03. Explicit. Lightweight Apps.
cli, terminal, nox, linux, technology, tty.

BlacKernel shows you some programs you'll need for living life without X org

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3426 :: Rust 101: Episode 0 - What in Tarnishing?

Monday, 2021-09-20. 00:22:28. Clean. Programming 101.
rust, programming, raii, python, c.

BlacKernel teaches you what rust is and how it is different from Python or C.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3421 :: BlacKernel's Journey Into Technology: Episode 1

Monday, 2021-09-13. 00:16:07. Clean. general.
technology, childhood, stories.

Learning about Assembly and Social Engineering before I could read

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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