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Cedric De Vroey

Thumbnail of Cedric De Vroey
: 387

Hi, I'm Cedric, and I work as a professional pentester. Social engineering, bypassing access controls both physical and digital, that's what I live for :-)


hpr4138 :: Linux Gaming: Factorio

Wednesday, 2024-06-12. 00:07:49. Clean. general.
linux, gaming, factorio.

A weekly show on which I talk about a game that I'm playing. Linux games only.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4135 :: Mining the web

Friday, 2024-06-07. 00:15:14. Explicit. general.
docker, redis, hacking, mongodb, scraping, dns, certificate-transparency.

In this episode I talk a bit about a project I have been working on to index the web.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3183 :: Don't trust zipfiles

Wednesday, 2020-10-14. 00:04:37. Clean. Privacy and Security.
pentesting, security, hacking, zip.

Zipfiles can contain all kinds of evilness and unpacking them can lead to unexpected results

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3158 :: Fingerprint access control? LOL...

Wednesday, 2020-09-09. 00:20:01. Clean. Privacy and Security.
pentesting, security, hacking, biometrics.

A story about pentesting physical security

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3144 :: Pentesting: Insecure Object Reference

Thursday, 2020-08-20. 00:12:06. Clean. Privacy and Security.
pentesting, security, hacking.

How an insecure object reference lead to a covid-related databreach

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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