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hpr3832 :: How I left Google behind

Tuesday, 2023-04-11. 00:30:13. Clean. general.
selfhosted, google, proxmox, iredmail, nextcloud, funkwhale, mastodon, writefreely, peertube, invidious, matri.

Just an overview of what services I now use to replace previously used Google services

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3825 :: Creating a natural aquarium

Friday, 2023-03-31. 00:38:30. Clean. general.
aquarium, ecology, plantedtank, fish.

Setting up your first natural, self-sustaining freshwater aquarium

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3475 :: How I Watch Everything Using Open Source Software

Friday, 2021-11-26. 00:14:38. Clean. general.
libreelec, kodi, raspberry pi, tvheadend.

Using Libreelec, Kodi, a tuner, and a Raspberry Pi to create a great media center

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2780 :: My SBC Nextcloud Install Pt. 1 - Hardware

Friday, 2019-03-29. 00:22:55. Clean. general.
nextcloud, single board computer, home server, sbc, arm.

How I built my self-enclosed Nextcloud server using a single board computer and a RAID enclosure

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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