Andrew Conway
: 268
Interested in computers, science, economics, writing and er, well, um, humans I suppose.
hpr4057 :: Raspberry Pi and astro imaging
On how to build a cheap astro imager using a raspberry pi
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hpr3896 :: The Brochs of Glenelg
A verbal tour in situ of one of the two brochs of Glenelg
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hpr3857 :: Yesterday I saw a solar flare
An account of the first time I saw a solar flare with my own eyes.
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hpr3781 :: The Joule Thief
Using the Joule Thief to suck energy out of flat batteries
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hpr3772 :: Adventures with a small solar panel
I have a look at a cheap solar panel and learn a bit about how it works, and doesn't work.
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hpr3544 :: All my microphones
A show recording using every microphone I had to hand.
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hpr3536 :: Laptop power problems
This is a story of a laptop with two power problems.
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hpr3464 :: Being irrational
Being irrational is rational.
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hpr3428 :: Bad disk rescue
Bad disk rescue - tragedy or happy ending?
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hpr3367 :: Making books with linux - part 1
A discussion about assembling books using simple tools commonly found in most linux distros.
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hpr3243 :: Pictor - free and open radio astronomy
Discussion with the people that created the Pictor radio telescope.
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hpr3126 :: Metrics part II
The metric of a 2D curved surface
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hpr3120 :: How open are roleplaying games?
Klaatu and mcnalu talk through what open and free mean in roleplaying games.
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hpr3101 :: Metrics
A layman's explanation of the mathematical concept of metric.
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hpr3010 :: FOSDEM first impressions
Impressions from my first attendance at FOSDEM.
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hpr2731 :: My 8 bit Christmas
I got a new, old computer for Christmas - an Acorn BBC microcomputer model B.
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hpr2384 :: Slackware in Scotland
Beni comes to Scotland and talks to Andrew about Slackware 14.2, a year after release.
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hpr1594 :: Steam and wine with linux
How to coax a windows-only steam game to work under steam in GNU/Linux.
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hpr1587 :: Beginner's guide to the night sky 3 - A wee dot on a dark sky
A ramble about stars, by a geeky chap who resides on planet Earth.
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hpr1553 :: TuxJam 33.333 - How we got into Linux
Kevie and Andrew release TuxJam episode 33 1/3 as an exclusive to HPR on how they got into Linux
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hpr1533 :: Beginner's guide to the night sky 2
A review of some astronomy software, as used on the planet Earth, by a geeky chap.
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hpr1484 :: TuxJam31
Andrew Conway presents TuxJam episode 31, a special for HPR
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hpr1392 :: Beginner's guide to the night sky
A personal view of the Universe, as viewed from Earth, by a geeky chap.